indianapolis time zone

Former Member
Former Member
I am in Chicago and during nationals, Chicago will be on Central Daylight Savings Time. I know Indianapolis is a little quirky. Anybody definitively know what time zone Indianapolis will be during the meet? Is it Eastern Daylight Savings, or Eastern Standard? In other words, is it the same time as Chicago, or an hour ahead. Thanks.
  • I live in Seattle now. I knew Steve was going, since we're sharing a hotel room! I'll have to work on getting Lisenby to go to Nationals next year. I guess they're going to be in Fort Lauderdale. Todd Mercer will be swimming and Kevin Zielinski is supposed to come down to watch, but he's not swimming.
  • I live in Seattle now. I knew Steve was going, since we're sharing a hotel room! I'll have to work on getting Lisenby to go to Nationals next year. I guess they're going to be in Fort Lauderdale. Todd Mercer will be swimming and Kevin Zielinski is supposed to come down to watch, but he's not swimming.
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