Number of Entries for Hawaii

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Any idea how many entries there are for Short Course Nationals in Hawaii?
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    A number of folks have pointed out that this year's SC Nationals will be different from past years'. There has been some speculation as to why, and what those differences mean. Just a thought: accept the fact that this meet in Hawaii is going to be different. (Go ahead. I'll just listen to elevator music while you go through whatever 4 step process you feel you need...) Back already? Tell yourself that the meet will not be in Hawaii again for several more years. Now ask yourself this question: is it necessarily bad that this one time the meet is different? If your answer to this question is yes (Excellent! Self discovery is just around the corner!), look inside and see if you can discern what are your assumptions or values that cause you to feel this way. Hey, your feelings are your own, and you're entitled to have them regardless of what they are. But, you might like to know more about them. Just a thought... Matt
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    I'm not sure what you are implying here, Matt. One way the meet is 'different' is that it has only slightly more than half of the normal attendence. The assumption (but not a proven one) is that significant numbers of swimmers were discouraged because of the time/cost required to attend the meet. This is not good if you think a primary goal of the meet is to get as good a competition at the top levels as possible. It is also not good if you think a primary purpose of the meet is to get swimmers from all over the country to meet, discuss shared interests, gossip, and otherwise socialize. It is also not good if a purpose of the meet is to include significant numbers of the swimmers that do not make the cutoff times, as they are probably the ones most easily discouraged from attending. If relays are your thing, the depth of the relay events will probably be weak. Most of the top ten times last year were swum at the national meet; if fewer swimmers are at that meet, will the top ten times be as competitive? It is especially not good if you are the one who could not afford the flight or the required week off from work, and can not attend the meet. Maybe this was your special year, where you could have done especially well? Of course, the most significant way the meet is 'different' is that it is in Hawaii (and not Cleveland :D ). That makes it a great place to combine a meet and a vacation. It is also good because it makes it easier for our Hawaii swimmers to attend a national meet. All meets have a regional bias, but since the Hawaii region is smaller than the regions in the mainland, it will be a fairer meet for those mainland teams that aspire to national championships. Personally, I am glad the meet is in Hawaii. It probably won't be back there for a long time, and I will take advantage of that unique opportunity. It isn't too expensive to fly from California, and I have saved up my vacation days, and recruited my inlaws to babysit.
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    :confused: Hmmmm, think of this, if it weren't for the 109 swimmers from the HIMA (Hawaii Masters), the number would be 992. 10% of the athletes are Hawaiian Masters. I'll give 3:1 odds on which team is going to win this years Nationals.:D Is HIMA considered a Large Team category? I'm always thinking math, can't help it. Joe
  • Regarding the meet being so "small" - I've recently returned from New Zealand and the World Championships. It was a "small" meet too - fewer than 1/2 of the swimmers that attended in Munich 2 years ago. What a joy it was to be done while it was still daylight! We didn't even start competition until 9 AM each day. Boy was that great! And what a joy it was to have a record 105 world records set (previous record is 95 I believe). "Small" certainly didn't affect the quality of the meet! We had a terrific experience (if you don't count the unfortunate problems with the open water event timing). I am against trying to make the meet run slower by running only one course. Let's be done early and have time to enjoy Hawaii. The meet was arranged to be mid-week to allow participants to travel the distance and enjoy a vacation so lets make the most of it. Don't forget your sunscreen, sunglasses, mask and snorkle! I'll see you there!
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    Phil, You understood very well what I was trying to say. Every meet is different, and each individual has to decide whether the net effect of the differences is good or bad. But, don't assume all "right thinking" people will reach the same conclusion. I guess I was a little weary of some of the posts in this discussion thread, and others, that seem to suggest having Nationals in Hawaii should never be allowed because it makes THEIR attendance more difficult or expensive. My pat riposte has been "what about the Hawaiian swimmers?" So, I wanted to explore that theme a little more. Matt
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    Ouch, that hurt. Anyway, any teachers out there want to chime in as to trying to get time off from school? One day, yes, two? is pushing it. I do believe it was a bad idea to have Nats in Hawaii, and I'm not shy about talking about it. And it's not just about me, not being able to go. It's a common feeling among my team, and many other swimmers I talk to. I guess, in today's "feel good" society, it's not polite to talk about or point out 'bad' ideas.:o Sorry. Joe
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    Thanks for the replies to my post. Here at Texas A&M University, we've hosted many (USA Swimming, high school and College) championship meets. The timelines and meet sizes are always big topics for discussion---too fast, too slow, too big, too name it. I'm (relatively) new to Masters Swimming and wanted to find out some opinions about the timeline. The USMS Discussion Forum appears to be a great resource. The Texas A&M swimmers and coaches that have trained in Honolulu all have great things to say about the facility, the people and the sites. I'm looking forward to doing it all. See you in Hawaii. Henry Clark
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    Joe, I agree with pointing out BAD ideas. My perspective is that EVERY Nats location has been a bad idea - in SOMEBODY's book, anyway. EVERY location we've had or ever will have) Nats has given a "home team" advantage to one or more teams. EVERY location we've had (or ever will have) Nats has caused hardships - expense, travel distance, time off, climate, allergies, availability of alcohol :) etc - for individuals, for entire teams, for entire classes of people. EVERY Nats we've had (or ever will have) favors either those who like to have half their days open for other things, or those who want full days of competition with LONG periods between events - but not both groups at once. I think it is a GOOD idea to spread both the wealth of opportunity AND the hardships of participation around the entire Masters swimming community. For most Masters that contemplate going to Nats, this is a long-term sport. If you don't get things your way this time, you will eventually (just don't count on getting them all at the same time). On any given day, life ain't fair for some people. But, over time, things have a tendency to balance out. Think of it another way - If the Hawaiians (and all the others who are fired up about a Hawaiian Nats) can't have it their way every once in a long while, then YOU shouldn't ever get to have it YOUR way either.
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    Matt, Your post did *say* that those people who did not like the meet in Hawaii had some deep psychological reason for that opinion, that required some significant soul searching. Also, the implication was that that reason was not very 'fair' or very 'nice.' That was what I was unsure about. Actually, the reasons to not like the meet in Hawaii are very clear and very much on the surface, and require no Freudian-like analysis. No, I do not agree with them (or rather, there are other reasons to appreciate the meet at Hawaii), but I respect Joe's opinion, especially since he is willing to put his name on them. By the way, I made an unfair crack at Cleveland. I've been there, and it is beautifully situated on the Ohio river. There is a lot of natural beauty, history, and culture that make it an excellent place for a meet and vacation.
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    Phil, I think we are in violent agreement. I'm NOT accusing the people who don't like Hawaii of having any deep psychological issues which I have magically transcended. I have MY emotional assumptions and bias; they have theirs. What I was suggesting is that anyone can benefit from taking a closer look at why they are so annoyed. Let me lay this one the line: after participating in these discussions for some time now, I have reached the conclusion that many of us Masters swimmers tend to be self-centered and dismissive of anyone's concerns except our own. (And please, I am NOT singling out anyone. We're all people; none of us are perfect; let all try to see the person behind the opinion we don't like.) Just think about all the whining associated with Nationals. I'd recap here, but Emmett's last post did such a good job of doing that, let me simply refer you to it. My point is that there are some very structured people in this sport, and some of them are quite passionate in their desire to shove their structure down my throat because it makes sticking to their routine easier. I have two objectives when I encounter such people. First, I'd like to help explain to them that different people with different values and goals might see things differently, and still be decent, rational people whose concerns deserve as much respect as anyone's. Second, I would like to help them see the assumptions behind their passionate beliefs because, just maybe, they might see creative solutions if they question the universal truth of their assumptions. I believe it was Thoreau who said, "The unexamined life is not worth living." So, whap me on the knuckles if I'm wrong, but I think we mostly agree with each other. Matt