Protecting Athletes: Open Water Safety Conference

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Former Member
USMS and the Pacific Masters LMSC are hosting the Protecting Athletes: Open Water Safety Conference, March 19-20, in San Francisco. Featured speakers include: Shelly Taylor-Smith, 7-time world professional marathon swimming champion and athlete advocate Lewis Gordon Pugh, Pioneer Swimmer Maddy Crippen, Fran Crippen Elevation Foundation Jim Wheeler, Pacific Masters LMSC Steven Munatones, Daily News of Open Water Swimming Morty Berger, NYC Swim Dr. Jim Miller, FINA Sports Medicine Committee Benoit Amyot, Traversee International du lac St-Jean B. Chris Brewster, U.S. Life Saving Association Chris Sheean, Big Shoulders Bob Placak, RCP Tiburon Mile Marcia Cleveland, USMS National Open Water Championships Suzanne Heim-Bowen, International Masters Swimming Hall of Fame Lori Bosco, Swim Around Key West Kaia Hedlund, Waikiki Roughwater Swim Yutaka Shinozaki, Japan International Open Water Swimming Association Dean Jackson, blueseventy Liz Tucker, Race Director Certification Manager, USA Triathlon More Details:
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member
    Yes, its true. Leslie Thomas of Swim Art is getting a permit for a swim from the Golden Gate Bridge to Aquatic Park. (good news, because once there you can pay a small day use fee and have a nice hot shower and sauna at the South End Rowing Club) Day/ Time: friday 3/18 7:00 meet at Aquatic Park The distance is about 5k, but will be fast.... riding the flood tide. Temp - low 50's (dress accordingly) all this info is subject to change, so: if interested, Contact Leslie Phone: 415-299-9098 Email: or send me an E
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member
    Yes, its true. Leslie Thomas of Swim Art is getting a permit for a swim from the Golden Gate Bridge to Aquatic Park. (good news, because once there you can pay a small day use fee and have a nice hot shower and sauna at the South End Rowing Club) Day/ Time: friday 3/18 7:00 meet at Aquatic Park The distance is about 5k, but will be fast.... riding the flood tide. Temp - low 50's (dress accordingly) all this info is subject to change, so: if interested, Contact Leslie Phone: 415-299-9098 Email: or send me an E
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