I can't make the SPMA SCM meet this December and am looking for an alternative ... ideally fast pool, strong competition. Can anyone recommend a meet in any other part of the country?
Susan/slknight and some_girl,
thanks for the heads up on New England. I've not swum at BU before, but that's my target weekend. is it a good/fast pool?
Yes, it's a very nice pool and a fast meet. It attracts quite a few people outside the New England area. Here are the results from last year so you can see how the competition was.
All the events on Sunday had far fewer people because there was a major snowstorm.
This year's meet info is not up yet but will be here:
I'll be at the Ron John meet in Tempe; that's always a good one. However, as I took the summer completely off swimming, I figure I need a few more weeks to try to get back in shape and try to swim fast in December ... so that I can then enjoy the holidays in style.
See you in La Jolla?
Susan/slknight and some_girl,
thanks for the heads up on New England. I've not swum at BU before, but that's my target weekend. is it a good/fast pool?
Univ Missouri (Columbia Missouri at Mizzou Aquatic Center) has a 2-day SCM meet also on 6-7-Dec-2008.
So far 4 world records have been set at the meets and with masters being the only group holding SCM meets, ALL of the pool records for SCM are from our masters meets.
Anthony Thompson
Missouri Valley Masters
Susan/slknight and some_girl,
thanks for the heads up on New England. I've not swum at BU before, but that's my target weekend. is it a good/fast pool?
Good pool IF you're not stuck in an outside lane with a ladder in your face and bare walls with no lane lines. Any idea if they are planning on changing the order of events this year?
(I have the same problem as you. My kid swims in the Dolan meet every year the first weekend in Dec. It conflicts with all the SCM meets except apparently the NE meet.)
Good pool IF you're not stuck in an outside lane with a ladder in your face and bare walls with no lane lines. Any idea if they are planning on changing the order of events this year?
I don't remember the outside lane problem. That's weird that there weren't any lane lines there. :confused: I believe they change the order of events every year but don't quote me on that.
Susan/slknight and some_girl,
thanks for the heads up on New England. I've not swum at BU before, but that's my target weekend. is it a good/fast pool?
Good pool but warm ups are crowded. That's the only gripe I have about it. So not much to moan about really.
I don't remember the outside lane problem. That's weird that there weren't any lane lines there. :confused: I believe they change the order of events every year but don't quote me on that.
Nope, no lane lines. I could literally feel the water bouncing off the wall and hitting me. As I was in an outside lane 3 times for my best events, it was hard to miss!
I'd be more inclined to attend if all the fly and back sprints weren't on the same day.
I may go to the Virginia Beach SCM meet in November instead this year.
There is normally a SCM meet at the Olympic pool in Atlanta every year, but nothing has been posted yet. You can keep checking www.dixiezone.org for info.