How much more would you be willing to pay for an event to have a real contingency plan? Would you be willing to pay 75%-100% higher entry fees to better insure the event is held?
I wouldn't. But maybe if it's a 1 in 25 type scenario the event should consider eating the additional cost. As it is now over 1,000 people paid to swim an event that didn't happen.
But I understand what you're saying. A true contingency plan is going to require an additional outlay of money even when the contingency is not used. I would be willing to pay more. 50% more I'd certainly deal with. 100% more would make me hesitant.
How much more would you be willing to pay for an event to have a real contingency plan? Would you be willing to pay 75%-100% higher entry fees to better insure the event is held?
I wouldn't. But maybe if it's a 1 in 25 type scenario the event should consider eating the additional cost. As it is now over 1,000 people paid to swim an event that didn't happen.
But I understand what you're saying. A true contingency plan is going to require an additional outlay of money even when the contingency is not used. I would be willing to pay more. 50% more I'd certainly deal with. 100% more would make me hesitant.