Big Shoulders swim in Chicago

Many on our team - Elgin Blue Wave - are in this race. Hope for good weather and mild water temps for all!
  • Really bummed about the cancellation. Same. Did you get into the lake and swim? Water felt great! I didn't really swim that far, but saw lots of people swimming a good portion of the course. I think if the swim had gone the people out of the water would have suffered far worse than those swimming. I'm glad they didn't reschedule for today since my flight left Chicago at 9:00 this morning. I would have been SOL. I know the official line is "no refunds" but I hope they at least consider giving those who were entered this year a discount on next year's swim. Obviously lots of the entry money is already spent, but not all. I'm sure they pay a lot to the CPD for the lifeguards and since the race didn't go it would seem like a good portion of that money should be coming back. Although given that it's Chicago, perhaps I'm wrong about that!
  • Really bummed about the cancellation. Same. Did you get into the lake and swim? Water felt great! I didn't really swim that far, but saw lots of people swimming a good portion of the course. I think if the swim had gone the people out of the water would have suffered far worse than those swimming. I'm glad they didn't reschedule for today since my flight left Chicago at 9:00 this morning. I would have been SOL. I know the official line is "no refunds" but I hope they at least consider giving those who were entered this year a discount on next year's swim. Obviously lots of the entry money is already spent, but not all. I'm sure they pay a lot to the CPD for the lifeguards and since the race didn't go it would seem like a good portion of that money should be coming back. Although given that it's Chicago, perhaps I'm wrong about that!
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