Workout #1 – Mixed
MS (3200)
2 Rounds of:
- 4 x 100 as 50BK/50FR Desc. 1-4 using the 50BK to Descend
- 2 x 300 Cruise Pull
- 5 x 100 Odds IM or Stroke, Evens Choice
- 2 x 250 Cruise Pull
- 6 x 100 for Best Average @R60
- 2 x 200 Cruise Pull
- 200 EZ w/Tennessee Turns
Workout #2 – Speed/Endurance
MS (3600)
3 x 300 as 2x Cruise & 1x Strong
3 x 200 as 2x Cruise & 1x Strong
3 x 100 as 2x Cruise & 1x Strong
2 x 300 as 1x Cruise & 1x Strong
2 x 200 as 1x Cruise & 1x Strong
2 x 100 as 1x Cruise & 1x Strong
1 x 300 Cruise
1 x 200 Steady
1 x 100 Strong
Workout #3 – Distance
MS (5000)
1200 Straight Swim, Build First 900 by 300s, Last 300 Cruise
2 x 600 2nd Faster than 1st
4 x 300 Descend 1-3, 4 is Cruise
8 x 150 Odds Strong, Evens Cruise
200 EZ Backstroke Pull(Paddles Optional)
Workout #4 – OW Skills
MS (3000)
3 x 200 First 25 as No-Breather (or 1, or 2!) and then Cruise on full rest
400 EZ Pull
3 x 200 First 50 of each is High Turnover Stroke Rate, then EZ)
400 EZ Pull
3 x 200 @OW Race or Event Pace @R5-10â€
400 EZ Pull
Workout #5 – High Volume
MS (8000)
2 x 800 Pull, Build Last 200 of Each
8 x 100 3x Cruise & 1x Strong, repeat
6 x 400 Swim, Descend 1-3, 4-6 are Steady
8 x 200 6x OW Race or Event Pace, 2x EZ
1 x 1600 Build by 400