4 x 100 FRIM @ 2:15 (FRIM=Freestyle IM)
4 x through:
2 x 100 @ 2:15
1) SSP (Smooth Swim Perfect)
2) Build each 25
3 x 25 @ :45
1) 3 cycles Build~SSP
2) 5 cycles Build~SSP
3) Sprint25 SSP @ :451 x 50 @ 1:30 Strong
R1) 100's IM, 25's Fly, 50 Fly
R2) 100's IM, 25's Back, 50 Back
R3) 100's IM, 25's ***, 50 ***
R4) 100's IM, 25's Free, 50 Free
12 x 25 Loops & Exhales with 4 RIB's (Loops=porposing or jump dives and standing, RIB's=rest interval breathing, exhaling underwater)
Former Member
Looks like pretty hard for me..more strength & stamina to do workout for an hour. Currently im doing a 20 min exercises per day. But i going to try this, at-least try to get the 1hr point gradually.