Experienced swimmer - but how do I get started?

Former Member
Former Member
There are so many workouts posted here that I don't even know where to begin!! I am back in the pool actually wanting to train for the first time in 20 years. After swimming competitively for 15+ years I haven't really had much desire to get back in the pool since exiting it with a shoulder injury my sophomore year in college. A recent ankle injury and well, just getting older, has gotten me back in the pool. I'm training on my own and just don't even know where to start! What type of workouts should I do to get back into swimming shape? How many days a week is the least I can do initially to get started (I'm thinking I can make it to the pool 3 days a week)? I'm currently doing more short distances (25 - 200 yards) in my sets but just make stuff up in my head and have no plan. HELP!!
  • What's your goal; general fitness, or are you planning to compete? If competition is your objective, what events?
  • How many days a week is the least I can do initially to get started (I'm thinking I can make it to the pool 3 days a week)? I think that's a fine start. Better to start up on the conservative side and ramp it up when you're able to. Good luck!
  • Sheryl, I have a similar background and got back in the pool two years ago after being out for almost 22 years. I have documented every workout I have done since I got back in on this site(feel free to read and use any of my workouts). I started swimming 3 days a week and my initial goal was weight loss but then I progressed to competing. My biggest two suggestions are to 1) find a training group because swimming on your own is really tough and 2). Go slow at first. I recall being lapped 3 times on. 500 by one of my training partners who I now lap, but it took at leat 9monthd to get there. Welcome back to swimming and I hope you rediscover your passion for the sport like I have. Most days I question why I stopped!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Sheryl, I write the workouts in the "expectant Mom's" sub-forum. I know quite a few people here who enjoy my workouts who are neither pregnant nor are new mom's (or even women at all!) My workouts consist of a good mix of everything. The focus is just on maintaining fitness - and if you're starting from zero, I mean, no swimming for the past 22 years, then you'll find these workouts to be great for starting out...the first 2 workouts each week are designed for 1 hour workouts, and the last 2 are better for 80-90 minute workouts. 3 days a week is a great goal for getting back into swimming. Take it easy...ramp up your yardage slowly, and don't do too many hard efforts in a row in the beginning. No need to do 10 X 100 Free on lactate threshold pace! Enjoy your swimming! Let me know if I can be of any assistance to you. --Coach Danielle