Fresnoid's Freestyle Fiesta

Former Member
Former Member
I posted a cool main set in one of pwb's High Volume Workouts thread that people seemed to like. I don't want to threadjack his posts or pollute his training theme by inserting some stuff we do around here. I hate kicking, IM's and drills. Fortunately, coaches around here are very accommodating if you want to work hard. This thread will contain main sets only, not entire workouts. These are intended to be challenging freestyle sets. Any set I post is one that I recently did and every one in the pool (either Fig Garden or Clovis Swim Club) did it too with some distance/ interval adjustments for each person's level. The BASE interval is stolen from Patrick's explanation here: U.S. Masters Swimming Discussion Forums My interpretation of the BASE interval is if you can make 10x 100 on BASE -10, you'll be really happy. This is the set that got me interested in sharing with you folk: 4x50 stroke/free on :50 200 build on BASE/100 3x100 on BASE 6x50 stroke/free on :50 2x200 desc. on BASE 5x100 on BASE -5 8x50 stroke/free on :50 3x200 desc. on BASE/100 7x100 on BASE -10 3600 for the set
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 12 years ago
    This was a brutal one coach Payne gave us last week. The straight swims should be as fast as you can go without causing a crash and burn before the set ends and 30 seconds rest before each set of the 100's. BASE/100 should be makeable without too much trouble, but don't work too hard because the yardage is piling up. 600 3x100 BASE 300 6x100 BASE 500 2x100 BASE 200 5x100 BASE 3200 total
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 12 years ago
    This morning Coach Rich stepped in to abuse the Masters at Clovis North 3x300 desc. interval is roughly BASE/100 10x150 interval is roughly BASE/100, hold Threshold pace. 8x125 (50 build, 25 fast stroke, 50 free recover) 3400
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 12 years ago
    3x (4x100 on Base 3x200 on Base-10 per 100 4x50 kick on a recovery interval) 3600 I only did it 2x through, resting a little bit for a meet this weekend.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 12 years ago
    Coach Payne brought the pain tonight 500 5x200 400 4x200 300 3x100 200 2x100 3700 The 500,400,300 rest to the next top or bottom unless that means less than 10 seconds, then wait 'til the next one. The 5x200 pick an interval that gives you 5-10 seconds rest. Then subtract 5 seconds from that for the 4x200 interval and use that pace/100 for the 100's and the last 200.
  • Coach Payne brought the pain tonight 500 5x200 400 4x200 300 3x100 200 2x100 3700 The 500,400,300 rest to the next top or bottom unless that means less than 10 seconds, then wait 'til the next one. The 5x200 pick an interval that gives you 5-10 seconds rest. Then subtract 5 seconds from that for the 4x200 interval and use that pace/100 for the 100's and the last 200. Looks like a good one. I'll have to attempt this one morning if I can fit it in pool space.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 12 years ago
    Saturday morning at Clovis north. This wasn't one set, but it added up to some decent freestyle work 12x50 desc 1-3 100 200 300 200 100 interval = Base/100 6x200 Figure what interval is the toughest your lane can make for just one repeat. That is for number 3. Add 15 seconds for number 2 and another 15 for number 1. Then repeat. So for our lane it was 2x (2:50, 2:35, 2:20) 12x100 on Base + 10 2 fast 1 easy 3900
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 12 years ago
    Coach Jay at Fig Garden decided to challenge every one today. 4x50 at 200 race pace on 1:00 500 at 1650 race pace. Take a masters minute rest. Hell, wait till every lane is done before starting the next segment. You'll need it. 4x50 at 200 race pace on 1:00 500 at 1650 race pace 4x50 at 200 race pace on 1:00 500 Pull, but it better be close to what you did on the first two 500s 4x50 at 200 race pace on 1:00
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 12 years ago
    That looks like a challenging workout, but a good one. I will be attempting it tonight if I can get enough open pool area to do the set in. Really can't share a lane and do this set...
  • Now 6x75 handicapped racing based on the times everyone just did on the fast 75, with a 25 easy in between each Have each person start their 75 so that they will finish on the 60 if they repeat their time from the first test 75. For example, I did a :45. Matt in the next lane did a :41. For the 6x75, I started on the :15, Matt on the :19. If we both match the time from the first 75, we should finish together on the 60. No matter what your speed, everyone is racing each other at the finish. Sandbaggers get their takeoff time adjusted. I did a couple 44's, so coach had me start leaving on the :16. That looks fun! Now I just have to be able to have a group capable of doing this, with a coach to keep them on it.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 12 years ago
    Coach Payne stayed true to her name at Clovis North last night 200,200 200,400 200,600 200,800 Intervals were all BASE per 100, but maintain the same pace on the longer swims as the 200's. Shoot for 10 seconds rest per hundred which means the 400, 600 and 800 will be really hard, but you get lots of rest. 100 easy After that set, this next speed set was brutal, but quite entertaining. 75 FAST freestyle, record everyone's time then do a 25 easy. Now 6x75 handicapped racing based on the times everyone just did on the fast 75, with a 25 easy in between each Have each person start their 75 so that they will finish on the 60 if they repeat their time from the first test 75. For example, I did a :45. Matt in the next lane did a :41. For the 6x75, I started on the :15, Matt on the :19. If we both match the time from the first 75, we should finish together on the 60. No matter what your speed, everyone is racing each other at the finish. Sandbaggers get their takeoff time adjusted. I did a couple 44's, so coach had me start leaving on the :16.