Betsy's 1 Hr Workouts

Introduction. I coach 3 mornings a week at a 25 meter pool with an average of 25 swimmers in 5 lanes. I coach 2 evenings a week at a 25 yard pool with an average of 12-14 swimmers in 5 lanes. Both workouts are for one hour. They are mixed groups with competitive swimmers, triathletes, and people who just want a good workout. Ages range from 20 to 87, with an occassional teen-ager dropping in. My emphasis is on techinique and pace. I swim 3 days a week with a coach at a Y pool. I use some sets that I learn from my coach, Laura Peter. I also write a workout for myself for Saturday mornings. The workouts that I coach are 2500-2800 meters for the fastest lane, scaled down for other lanes. In the yard pool, they are 2700-3000 yards for the fastest lanes. For my personal workouts, I aim for 2500 yards and try to boost it to 2700 in the fall.
  • Monday, May 21 Warm-Up (1100) 300-500 Swim. Mix it up. 400-500 (8-10) x 50. Rest 10-15 sec. Don’t wait for others. Work around each other like a meet w.u. Do some d/s, kick or pull ½ way, check pace. No toys. 100 (4 x 25). Sprint. Rest as needed. Main (1250) 100 timed. Choice. 5 sec apart. I’ll call out times. 200 - 400 Lanes 4,5,6: 8 x 50. On 1:00, 1:10, 1:15 or 1:20. Use some for recovery. Lane 7: 3 x 50, 4 x 25. Lane 8: 8 x 25. Work on speed. 100 timed. Choice. 200-400 Pull. Set interval. Lanes 4-6: 4 x 100; Lane 7: 3 x 100; Lane 8: 2 x 100. 100-200 (4-8) x 25. Odds – swim hard for 1st ½. Evens – swim hard for 2nd 1/2 . 50 timed. Cool-Down (50-350) Easy swim
  • Wednesday, May 23 Warm-Up (1500) 300 (25 drill/75 swim), choice 200 swim (75 free/25 non-free) 100 swim, choice 300 (3 x 100 Pull), rest 10-15. Make each one a little faster. ~Fins on~ 300 Kick 200 (2 x 100 back); 50 chg 6 with 3/50 swim. 100 fly (25 kick- body dolphin / 25 c.u. with fly kick / 25 kick ½ way then swim/25 swim) ~Fins off~ Main (700-1000) 200 (2 x 100 free); each 100 is 2 x (25 c.u./25 almost c.u.). Rest 10-15. Lanes 4-6: 4 x 50 on : 55, 1:00, 1:05 3 x 100 on 1:40, 1:50, 2:05 2 x 50 2 x 100 Lanes 7-8: 10 x 50. Descend (or hold even) 1-3; #4 recovery; descend 5-7; #8 recovery; #9 good effort; #10 recovery Cool-Down (100-200) (4-8) x 25 Think about your stroke.
  • Friday, May 25 Light, fun workout today. Pool is closed Monday for Memorial Day, and I leave for Italy on Wednesday. Warm-Up (1000) Freestyle: 200 Swim 200 Pull 100 Kick 100 Kick with fins Choice: 100 Swim 100 Pull 100 Kick 100 25 drill/25 swim Relays (500) Divide workout into teams 100 (4 relays, each swimmer 25 free) 100 (4 relays, each swimmer 25 back) 50 (2 relays, one swimmer at each end go back, others free) 50 (2 relays, one swimmer at each end go ***, others free) 50 (2 relays, each swimmer 25 ***. Can do fly or free kick) 50 (2 relays, one swimmer at each end go fly, others free) 100 (2 relays, each swimmer 50 free) Cool-Down (200-400) 100-200 swim free, almost c.u. 100-200 pull free, almost c.u.
  • No new workouts until June 22. No workout on Monday, May 28, due to the holiday. I leave Wednesday, May 30, for Worlds in Italy. This is a combination family vacation and swim meet. I am fortunate to have two coaches to take the workouts while I am gone, so I don't have to write any workouts. I'll be back on June 21 and will resume coaching on June 22.
  • Note: I was in Italy May 30-June 21 and in Omaha July 4-10. Then I had cataract surgery on July 11 and a meniscus repair on July 16. I'm coaching again regularly and will only miss Aug 1 for the other cataract surgery. Friday, June 22 Warm-Up (1000) 400 Swim (75 free/25 non-free) 100 Free (25 left only/25 swim/25 right only/25 swim) 100 Back (same as above) 300 Free Pull 100 Count strokes (2 x 25 swim + 2 x 25 pull – no paddles) Main 1 (1350) ~Everybody go together on 2:30 interval~ Ln 8 – 75; Ln 7 – 100; Ln 6 – 100; Ln 5 – 125; Ln 4 – 150 1 to try it out and adjust lanes 2 – 3 more on interval ~Lower distance by 25~ 3 more at shorter distance ~Drop interval to 2:00~ Ln 8 – 50; Ln 7 – 75; Ln 6 – 100; Ln 5 – 100; Ln 4 – 125 2-3 more on new interval Main 2 (100-400) (2-8) x 50 choice on interval for 10 sec rest
  • Monday, June 25 Warm-Up (1000) 300 (25 full c.u. /50 swim) x 4 200 Swim, choice. Think about the stroke mechanics. ~Fins on~ 100 Free Kick (25 on right side / 25 on left side / 50 with board). Face in when on side. 100 Kick (50 Back / 25 Fly with brd / 25 Fly or Free with brd) 100 Swim with fins (50 back or fly / 50 free or fly) 200 Drill/Swim by 25. Fly (c.u. with fly kick) / Back (chg 6 with 3) / Free (c.u.) / fins off for *** (1 pull with 2 kicks) Main (600, 1000, 1500) Purpose is to maintain a consistent pace by checking the last 100 or each swim. Alternately, you can do the last 100 non-free. Lanes 4-6 start with 500. Lane 7 start with 400. Lane 8 start with 300. 500 Swim. Check time for last 100. 400 Swim. Check time for last 100. 300 Swim. Check time for last 100. 200 Swim. Check time for last 100. 100 Swim, choice. Cool-Down (100-300) 25 drill/25 swim
  • Wednesday, June 27 Warm-Up (1300) 200 Swim, choice 300 (25k/25d/25s) 400 4 x 100 Pull. Rest 10-15. Increase effort on each one. 100 Paddles and fins. 25 right/25 left/50 3r-3-3l 100 Paddles and fins. 25 chg 6 free/25 chg 3 free/25 chg 6 back/25 chg 3 back 200 Paddles off, fins optional. Swim 50 back/50 free Main (1000) 300 6 x 50. Descend 1-3, 4-6, 300 6 x 50. How many can you hit the goal time? 100 D/S recovery 300 6 x 50. #1-2 fast, 3 easy. Rest 30-45. Repeat Cool-Down (300) 200 Swim 100 Count strokes
  • Friday, June 29 Warm-Up (1300) 100-200 Swim, choice 400 8 x 50 #1- 25 slow c.u./25 swim; #2 – free, almost c.u. ; #3 - 6 Pull, almost c.u. #7 – 8 25 non-free/25 choice. Rest 10. 100-300 Swim, think about technique, mix up strokes 4 x 25 from middle of pool; work on turns 3 x 100 choice. #1 count strokes, #2 long and strong; #3 moderate Main 1 (1200) 4 x 75 odds fast; evens D/S/D 4 x 75 pull 4 x 75 #1 and 2 one stroke, #3 and 4 a different stroke 4 x 75 odds fast; evens Free/non-free/free Cool-Down (200) Easy swim or pull
  • Monday, July 2 Warm-Up (1000) 200-300 Swim, choice 200-300 Pull 100-200 Kick 100-200 25 D/ 25 S Main (1500) 5 x 100 Odds pull, evens swim on interval for 15-20 sec rest 8 x 50 #1 pull/swim #2 count strokes #3 swim #4 easy. Repeat; change stroke okay. Interval for 10 sec rest. 3 x 100 #1 swim, #2 d/s by 25, #3 swim; rest 15 after each 100 2 x 100 descend 2 x 50 descend Cool-Down (100) 4 x 25 easy
  • Friday, July 13 Warm-Up (1000) 600 (50 drill + 100 swim) x 4. Drills: catch-up, fingertip drag, 3R-3-3L, fingertip drag 300 (6 x 50) Kick 100 Swim Main 1 (900) 25 Slow, count strokes, choice 50 Same 75 Build. Each 25 gets faster. 100 Swim. Good effort. Time yourself. 125 Pull. Long and strong. 150 Swim 100, get time, swim 50 easy. 175 Pull. Long and strong. 200 Good effort. Time yourself. Main 2 (700) 7 x 100 Odds are pull, evens are swim. Try for steady pace. Cool-Down (100) 4 x 25. Perfect stroke.