Betsy's 1 Hr Workouts

Introduction. I coach 3 mornings a week at a 25 meter pool with an average of 25 swimmers in 5 lanes. I coach 2 evenings a week at a 25 yard pool with an average of 12-14 swimmers in 5 lanes. Both workouts are for one hour. They are mixed groups with competitive swimmers, triathletes, and people who just want a good workout. Ages range from 20 to 87, with an occassional teen-ager dropping in. My emphasis is on techinique and pace. I swim 3 days a week with a coach at a Y pool. I use some sets that I learn from my coach, Laura Peter. I also write a workout for myself for Saturday mornings. The workouts that I coach are 2500-2800 meters for the fastest lane, scaled down for other lanes. In the yard pool, they are 2700-3000 yards for the fastest lanes. For my personal workouts, I aim for 2500 yards and try to boost it to 2700 in the fall.
  • Monday, April 30 Warm-Up (1200) 200 (25 catch-up/25 almost catch-up) x 4 300 (25 rt arm only/25 left arm only/25 swim) x 2 (25 3 rt-3 lft / 25 3 rt -3-3 lft / 25 swim) x 2 200 Swim, choice. Good stroke technique. 100 (4 x 25 free swim, count, rest 5-10) 100 (4 x 25 free pull, count, rest 5-10) 200-300 Pull Main (1500) 300 (3 x 100) swim. Descend (each 100 gets faster). Set interval for 20 sec rest. 300 (6 x 50) swim. Descend 1-2, 3-4, 5-6. Each group of 2 same stroke. Can change. Set interval for 15 sec rest. 300 (3 x 100). Same interval as above. Hold even pace. 300 (3 x 100). Each 100 is 50 Pull/50 Swim. No paddles. Just get rid of buoy at the 50. 300 (6 x 50) choice. Add 5 sec to interval for other set of 50s. Cool-Down (100-200) Easy swim
  • Wednesday, May 2 Warm-Up (1000) 300 Swim (75 free/25 choice) 400 (8 x 50 as 25 Swim/25 Drill). #1-2 Catch-up, #3-4 Change 3, #5-6 Glide 2, #7-8 Roll 300 Pull Main (1700) 600 (4 x 150). #1 Swim, steady pace, choice. #2 50 Swim/50 3R-3L/50 swim, choice. #3 Make each 50 faster. #4 Swim with fins. 200 Negative split. Pair off in groups of 2. One swims, other gets split at 100 and final time. Change off. 300 Pull as 2 x 50 (long and strong), 2 x 100 descend. 600 as 12 x 50. Descend in groups of 3 (1-3, 4-6, etc). Can do groups of 3 as kick, swim, pull, whatever.
  • Thursday, May 3 Warm-Up (1200) 300 Swim, choice 300 (6 x 50 drill/swim) #1 chg 6 free, #2 chg 6 back, #3 chg 3 w/3 free, #4 chg 3 w/3 back, #5 chg 2 free (just exaggerated roll), #6 chg 2 back 300 Pull (75 free/25 back) 300 (50K/50S) Main (1500) 4 x 50 free 2 x 100 free 4 x 50 back or (25 bk/25 fr) 2 x 100 back or (25 bk/25 fr) 4 x 50 (25 drill/25 swim) #1 fly, #2 back, #3 ***, #4 free 2 x 100 IM or choice 300 (100 swim with paddles /100 pull with paddles/100 pull without paddles) Cool-Down (100-300) 8 x 25 choice, count strokes Easy swim
  • Friday, May 4 Warm-Up (1000) 500 (100 Swim / 100 Swim with paddles / 100 Pull with paddles / 100 Pull without paddles / 100 Swim) 200 Swim, choice. Concentrate on good push-off, streamline, kick before 1st stroke 300 (6 x 50) Descend 1-3, 4-6. On :50, :55, 1:00, 1:10, 1:40 Main (1500) 400 (4 x 100) #1 Swim, #2-3 Pull, #4 Swim. Free. On 1:30 or 1:40, 1:50, 2:05, 2:20, 2:45 300 (3 x 100). Stop at 50 to get time. Negative split. Choice. 100 I’ll time you. Negative split. 200 (4 x 50). #1, 2 same pace; #3, 4 the same, but faster than #1,2. 200 Stop at 100 to check time. Negative split. Choice. 300 (3 x 100) Kick, choice. Rest 10-15. Cool-Down (100-300) 25 Kick or 25 Drill/25 Swim
  • Monday, May 7 Warm-Up (1100) 200 Swim 100 Breaststroke drills (25 kick / 25 pull with free kick / 2 x 25 swim separate k and p) ~Fins on~ 100 Back drills (25 kick/ 25 double arm / 2 x 25 swim) 100 Fly drills (25 body dolphin / 25 pull / 2 x 25 swim) 300 (6 x 50) Odds kick (fast); evens swim (easy) ~Fins off~ 300 (100 Pull/50 Swim) x 2 Main (1600) Total of 600 of one stroke. 200 choice, moderate. This will determine intervals for this workout. Lane 8 – 100s. Set intervals for each lane for 50 and 200. 4 x 50 Maintain same pace. 200 Holding the pace. 4 x broken 200. Same stroke for key 50 on all. Rest can be free. Try to keep the timed 50s equal 200 key 50, get time: 150 choice. 200 easy 50; get time on 2nd 50; easy 100. 200 easy 100; get time on 3rd 50; easy 50. 200 easy 150; get time on last 50. 200 (4 x 50) choice. Set interval for 20 sec rest. Cool-Down (100-300) (2 x 25 count; 1 x 50 count) x (2-3)
  • Wednesday, May 9 Warm-Up (1000) 300 (50 c.u./100 swim) x 2 200 Pull, almost c.u. 200 (8 x 25). #1-2 hands shoulder width, elbows up, pull ***; #3-4 hands same, elbows up, recover over water, fly pull; #5-6 hands same, body dolphin, do not bend knees; 37-8 hands same, elbows up, pull free 200 (4 x 50), 25 drill/25 swim, choice 100 Easy swim, choice Main (1500) 200 25 back/25 free. Head back, hand wide entry, deep entry, elbow in, pull 200 (4 x 50) Free, back, or 25 back/25 free; on 1:00, 1:10, 1:15, 1:30, 1:45 100 back or free; good effort 200 Free pull; think almost c.u. 200 Free swim. ALMOST C.U. 4 x 50 free (descend 1-2, 3-4) on :50, :55, 1:00, 1:10, 1:30 300 (6 x 50) Kick. Go on 3rd touch – 15 sec rest. 100 IM with good strokes. Start each 25 with stroke, switch to free if necessary. Cool-Down (100-200) (2-4) x 50 choice, easy
  • Friday, May 11 Warm-Up (1000) 500 (200 Swim/200 Pull/100 Swim) 300 (3 x 100 Kick). Go on 3rd touch. *** kick on last 100? 200 (4 x 50), choice, drill/swim. Go on 3rd touch. Main (1500) 200 (2x 100) Free. Aerobic pace. Get time. On 1:30, 1:45, 2:00, 2:15, 2:40. 500 (10 x 50). Odds choice, evens free. Try to maintain same pace as on 2 x 100. Intervals: 1:00/50, 1:05/55, 1:15/1:00, 1:20/1:10, 1:50/1:40 300 (3 x 100). #1-2 free at same pace as first 2. #3 can be choice. 300 (6 x 50) Free Pull. Almost catch-up. On 50, 55, 1:00, 1:10, 1:40. 100 IM drills. Fly – catch-up w/ fly kick; Back – double arm; *** – pull w/ free kick; Free – 3R/3L 100 Swim, choice. Cool-Down (100-300) Easy swim
  • Monday, May 14 Warm-Up (900) 400 (200 Swim / 100 Kick / 100 Swim with fins) 100 (2 x 50 breaststroke); short pull, narrow kick, glide 100 (25 fly kick- body dolphin, 25 catch-up with fly kick, 2 x 25 swim with short pull, 2k) 100 kick, choice 100 swim with fins 100 swim w/o fins Main (1500-1800) (2-3) x 600: 4 x 50 Drill/Swim; 4 x 50 Pull; 4 x 50 Swim Set interval for swims allowing 15-20 rest Cool-Down (100-200) Easy swim
  • Wednesday, May 16 Warm-Up (1000) 200 (25 drill/25 swim), choice 200 (25 kick/25 swim), choice (fins okay) 200 (50 Fly – kick ½ way, swim rest / 50 Back - chg 6 with 3 / 50 *** pull with fr kick / 50 Free – chg 6 with 3) 300 (100 pull/50 swim), choice 100 (4 x 25: odd fast, even easy) Main (1600) 400 (2 x 200 on 3:00, 3:30 or 3:40, 4:00 or 4:15, 5:00). Ln 8: 1 x 200 + 1 x 100 on 6:00 Swim 50, check time, swim 100, check time, swim 50. Get time on middle 100. 100 (2 x 50 d/s), rest 10 200 Pull, gradually build 300 (1 x 100 on 1:40, 1:55, 2:10, 2:30, 3:30); 1 x 200 Stop at 100 to check time. 100 (2 x 50 d/s), rest 10 100-200 Pull, gradually build 300 (25K/25D/25S) Cool-Down (200) 4 x 25 Easy 100 easy
  • Friday, May 18 Warm-Up (1500) 5 x 100 1st 100 – swim; 2nd - 75 swim/25 drill; 3rd - 50 swim/25 drill/25 swim; 4th - 25 swim/25 drill/50 swim; 5th - 25 drill/75 swim 2 x 200 Pull. Rest 15-20. 300 (50 kick/25 swim) x4 200 Swim, choice. Include some non-free. 4 x 25 Free. #1- glide on each stroke; #2-wide entry, elbows up; #3-use your hips; #4 – all Main (900) 8 x 25 Two of each stroke. I’ll tell the 1st person in each lane when to go. 4 x 50 #1 choice, good technique; #2-3 descend; #4 I’ll time each lane. 400 (2 x 100 descend) x 2; long interval for quality. 1:50, 2:05, 2:20, 2:50, 3:30. Rest 1:00 after 1st 2. 100 I’ll time you. Cool-Down (250) 100 + 75 + 50 +25 Choice (swim, kick , pull or drill)