Betsy's 1 Hr Workouts

Introduction. I coach 3 mornings a week at a 25 meter pool with an average of 25 swimmers in 5 lanes. I coach 2 evenings a week at a 25 yard pool with an average of 12-14 swimmers in 5 lanes. Both workouts are for one hour. They are mixed groups with competitive swimmers, triathletes, and people who just want a good workout. Ages range from 20 to 87, with an occassional teen-ager dropping in. My emphasis is on techinique and pace. I swim 3 days a week with a coach at a Y pool. I use some sets that I learn from my coach, Laura Peter. I also write a workout for myself for Saturday mornings. The workouts that I coach are 2500-2800 meters for the fastest lane, scaled down for other lanes. In the yard pool, they are 2700-3000 yards for the fastest lanes. For my personal workouts, I aim for 2500 yards and try to boost it to 2700 in the fall.
  • Monday, Mar 22, Meter Pool Warm-Up (700-1100) ▪100 Swim ▪300 as 2 x (50 kick/100 swim), choice, fins ok ▪(6-10) x 50. Leave when 4th person touches. Drill/Swim. Suggested drills: catch-up free, 1-arm (3 rt/3 lft) bk, fly or fr, Chg 6 w/ 3 bk or fr, 2 p/1 k br, Fingertip drag fr, fly w/ underwater recovery, br w/ fly kick ▪100-200 Swim, choice Main (900-1800) 6 x 50. Odds choice, evens free. Intervals: 55/45, 1:10/55, 1:20/1:05, 1:20/1:10, 2:00/1:45 3 x 100 Free/choice/free on 1:45, 2:10, 2:30, 2:30, 3:00 3 x 100 Free on 1:35, 1:50, 2:05, 2:15, 2:50 Ln 4 will do this twice. (1800) Ln 5-6 will do 4 x 50, 2 x 100 on the second time through (1500) Ln 7 will do 4 x 50 and one set of 100s on the second time (1200) Ln 8 will do the set just once (900) Cool-Down (100) Use the last 100 free as cool down or if time, swim an easy 100 choice.
  • Mon, Mar 22, Yard Pool Pool has been closed for yearly maintenance for 2 weeks. This is a long, slower workout to get started again. The fastest lane got through 3200, other lanes went 2800 or 2400. 400 (75 free swim/25 non-free or drill) 8 x 50 as 2 Kick free w/ brd; 2 kick back w/ arms extended; 4 kick/swim Lv when 4th person touches. 400 Pull (200 free, 100 as 25 bk/25 fr, 100 free). Get lane together for each part. 4 x 75 as drill/swim/drill #1 Chg 6 w/3 bk or fr, #2 3R/3L bk or fr, #3 Chg 3 free, #4 FT drag 100 Swim (free or back, use hips) 4 x 100 Swim free. On 1:30, 1:50, 2:00, 2:05, 2:10 8 x 50 as 2 x (50 pull w/ paddles, 50 pull w/o paddles, 50 swim w/ paddles, 50 swim) On :50 or :55, :55 or 1:00, 1:00, 1:05, 1:10 or 1:15 2 x 100 descend 4 x 50 descend 1-3, 4 easy 400 Easy swim
  • Wed, Mar 24, Meter Pool Warm-Up (600-1000) 200 Swim 200 Pull 300 (25K/25D/25S) x 4, fins ok, choice 200 Pull 100 Swim Main (1500) ▪10 x 50 work on technique, no fins 4 – drill/swim (chg 3, chg 3 with 3, 3R/3L, 3R-3-3L). Fly, bk, or fr 4 – count strokes 2 – build each length of 50 ▪8 x 50 as broken 400 free. Short interval, hold pace. Ln 4 on :45, Ln 5 on :55, Ln 6 on 1:00, Ln 7 on 1:05, Ln 8 on 1:30 If you can’t make all 8, rest 1 then resume. Do not take extra rest and start late. ▪6 x 50 recovery/technique Odds easy free, evens drill/swim non-free Suggested drills: fly – one arm or underwater recovery; bk – 3R/3L, “L” with 3 strokes, chg 3’ br – 2K/1P, br pull w/ fly kick, 2 P/1K ▪4 x 50 quality. Choice, can mix it up. All four should be good, no easy ones. Ln 4 – 1:10, Ln 5 – 1:20, Ln 6 and 7 – 1:30, Ln 8 – 2:00 ▪2 x 50 same stroke, descend. Same interval as above. Cool-Down (200) Easy 200 swim
  • Wednesday, Mar 24, Yard Pool Warm-Up (1000) 200 Swim, free 200 Pull 200 Swim, free 200 2 x (50 K on side, free, head in water / 50 chg 3, rotate hips) 200 Pull Main (1500) 10 x 100 on 1:25, 1:30, 1:50, 2:10, 2:10 10 x 50 (1-2 D/S non-free, 3-4 D/S choice, 5-10 Swim, choice). Lv on 4th touch. Cool Down (100-500) 100-200 Pull 100-200 Swim 100 Choice pull or swim I stopped everyone with a few minutes to go and had a contest of pushing off and gliding with no kick or pull. After several attempts we got some good distance. Streamlining improved.
  • Friday, Mar 26, Meter Pool I modified this from a workout I saw from Tall Paul. Everyone was sufficiently tired, but felt good about the 2 sets of 100s. Warm-Up (500) 100 Swim free 50 Swim free, count each length 50 Swim, choice 50 Swim choice, count each length 100 Pull free 50 Pull free, count each length 50-100 Push off, streamline, no kick or pull. See how far you can go. Stand up to check dist. Swim to other end. Main (1900) 8 x 100 Swim Ln 4 (2 @ 1:55, 1:45, 1:35, 1:25) Ln 5 (2 @ 2:10, 2:00, 1:50, 1:40) Ln 6 (2 @ 2:25, 2:15, 2:05, 1:55) Ln 7 (2 @ 2:40, 2:30, 2:20, 2:10) Ln 8 (2 @ 2:50, 2:40, 2:30) Easy 50 Swim 4 x 50 Kick (2 w/ brd, 2 on back) Easy 50 Swim 8 x 100 Pull (reverse order from swims, start with fastest interval) Cool-Down (200) 4 x 50 swim or drill/swim
  • Monday, March 29, Meter Pool Warm-Up (1000) •200 Swim, free •200 (D/S by 25, free). Drills: head up (Tarzan or water polo stroke – look where your hand enters), 3 R/3L, almost catch-up, fingertip drag. •100 Swim, choice •100 (D/S by 25, choice). ~Get lane together~ •8 x 50 (1-4 kick, 5-8 pull) Main (1500) •3 x 200 (#1 pull, #2 swim, #3 pull). Ln 4 - 3:15 or 3:20, Ln 5 – 3:45, Ln 6 – 4:00, Ln 7 – 4:30 or 4:45, Ln 8 (3 x 150) on 4:00 •3 x 100 Swim, descend, choice. 1:35, 1:55, 2:15, 3:00, 4:00 •3 x 100 Pull, descend, choice. Same interval or faster if appropriate. •6 x 50 Swim, choice. Descend 1-2, 3-4, 5-6. Two in a row the same stroke. :55, 1:05, 1:20, 1:30, 2:00 Cool-Down (100-300) Easy Swim
  • Monday, Mar 29, Yard Pool Warm-Up (1000) •200-300 Swim, choice •200 Kick, choice •200 Drills (fins okay). Free. 50 chg 6. Make body long, fingers down/elbow up before pulling. 50 chg 3. Get on side before counting kicks. Again, fingers down/elbow up. 50 almost catch-up. Same long extension; hold extension until hand almost there. 50 swim; ride each extension. •100 Drill (fins okay). Backstroke. 25 chg 6, 25 chg 6 w/ 3, 25 “L” drill, 25 chg 2 (exaggerated roll) •100 Drills (fins off). Free. 25 chg 3, 25 almost c.u., 50 swim, ride extension •100 Swim choice. At least 1 x 25 non-free. Main (1500-1800) •300 Swim. Predict your pace/hundred. I’ll time. •300 Pull. Time yourself, faster than 300 swim. •300 Swim, broken at the 100s. Stop long enough to get your 100 time. I will ask for time for each 100. •300 Pull, broken at the 100s. Get time on each 100. Faster than 3 x 100 swim. •(6-12) x 50 on 1:00, 1:05, 1:10, 1:15 Fins okay. Choice. 3 d/s, 3 swim – repeat if time Cool-Down (100-300) Easy swim.
  • Wednesday, Mar 31, Meter Pool The workout went well. We got in some speed work that was timed, but managed to still keep the yardage up. It was hectic for me to time the lanes (30 showed up), but we managed. Warm-Up (900-1200) •300 (25 K, 25 D, 25 S) x 4 •4 x 25 free. Think about pressure on forearm from the very beginning of stroke. •200-300 Swim •(6-10) x 50 (1-4 d/s, 5-10 swim, choice). 1:00, 1:10, 1:20, 1:30, 1:45 This is warm-up, gradually increase speed. Main (1200-1500) •50 for time. Choice. I’ll time each lane. •200-300 Pull •4 x 25 Swim. #1-2 count strokes. #3-#4 build. •100 for time. Choice. I’ll time. •300 (25 drill/50 swim) x 4 •2 x 50 predict time. Both should be same pace. Time yourself. Go on 4th touch. •50 or 100 for time. Choice. I’ll time. •(3-5) x 100 Pull or Swim. 1st one is recovery. Rest 15-20 sec. Cool-Down Easy swim
  • Wed, Mar 31, Yard Pool Warm-Up (600-900) 200 (25 catch-up/75 swim) 200 Glide2. New term: when hand enters and you extend your arm, count to 2 before starting pull. 4 x 25 Head lower than usual. Keep one eye in the water on breath. 100 (25 breathe on right only / 25 left only / 50 every 3 or 4) (2-6) x 50 (#1-#3 25 non/25 choice, #4-#6 choice). Go on 4th. Main (1800) 4 x 75 Kick Go on 4th. Fins ok. 4 x 75 Pull. 1:05 or 1:10, 1:15 or 1:20, 1:30, 1:40, 1:50 4 x 75 Swim. Same intervals. 4 x 75 D/S/D. Add 5-10 to interval. Drills: #1 3R/3L, #2 FT drag, #3 Glide2, #4 almost c.u. 4 x 75 Pull. Same as earlier. 4 x 75 Swim . Same Cool-Down (300) Easy Swim.
  • Friday, Apr 2, Meter Pool This turned out to be a great workout. Lanes 4-6 were to try to maintain their 800 or 1500 pace throughout; hold back on 50s, work hard on 200s. Lanes 7-8 mixed it up with non-free and free. I did the workout after I coached and got very tired, but felt good about holding the pace. Warm-Up (700-900) 200 Swim 200 Swim, Glide 2 (extend hand on entry, count to 2 before pull) (3-5) x 100 Pull. Think about the entry and catch. 1:40, 2:00, 2:15, 2:20, 2:45 Main Ln 4: 12 x 50 on :55; 6 x 100 on 1:35; 3 x 200 on 3:10 (1800) Ln 5: 10 x 50 on 1:05; 5 x 100 on 1:50; 2 x 200 on 3:40; 1 x 100 (1500) Ln 6: 8 x 50 on 1:10; 4 x 100 on 2:15; 2 x 200 on 4:10 (1200) Ln 7: 6 x 50 on 1:20; 3 x 100 on 2:20; 2 x 200 on 5:00 (1000) Ln 8: 4 x 50 on 1:45; 2 x 100 on 3:00, 1 x 200 (600) If time, 1 x 200 alternate 50 non-free/50 free Cool-Down (100-200) (2-4) x 50 easy