Betsy's 1 Hr Workouts

Introduction. I coach 3 mornings a week at a 25 meter pool with an average of 25 swimmers in 5 lanes. I coach 2 evenings a week at a 25 yard pool with an average of 12-14 swimmers in 5 lanes. Both workouts are for one hour. They are mixed groups with competitive swimmers, triathletes, and people who just want a good workout. Ages range from 20 to 87, with an occassional teen-ager dropping in. My emphasis is on techinique and pace. I swim 3 days a week with a coach at a Y pool. I use some sets that I learn from my coach, Laura Peter. I also write a workout for myself for Saturday mornings. The workouts that I coach are 2500-2800 meters for the fastest lane, scaled down for other lanes. In the yard pool, they are 2700-3000 yards for the fastest lanes. For my personal workouts, I aim for 2500 yards and try to boost it to 2700 in the fall.
  • Saturday, Mar 6, Yard Pool This is a workout I did this morning. I needed the non-free work. I liked the workout and will use a variation when I coach. Warm-Up (1100) Freestyle. Swim 200, Pull 200, Kick 100 Backstroke. Swim 100, Pull 100, Kick 100 Breaststroke (or Butterfly). Swim 100, Pull 100, Kick 100. Main (1100) 8 x 25 on :45. Think about push-off, build 3 sets of: ▪50 Kick ▪50 Drill/Swim ▪50 Pull ▪Broken 100 Swim (swim 50 – rest exactly 10 sec – swim 50) ▪Easy 50 swim Cool-Down (300) 6 x 50 even:drill/swim, odd: swim
  • Monday, Mar 8, Meter Pool I continued with drills from Friday. The main set didn’t go well. That happens sometimes. See note below. Warm-Up and Stroke Drills Freestyle (1000) ▪200-300 Swim ▪200 (50 catch-up with stick/50 swim) ▪200 (25 swim/25 chg 6). Fins ok. Make sure face is in water, except to breathe. ▪200 (50 chg 3 with 3/50 swim). No fins. Make sure you count 3 kicks after you are on your side and face is in the water. ▪(2-4) x 50 Swim. Exaggerate extension, hip movement, and “ride.” On :55, 1:00, 1:05 or 1:10, 1:10, 1:20 Backstroke (400) ▪2 x 25 Pull. You must rotate to make this work. ▪50 Chg 6. Get on side! Fins ok. ▪50 Chg 3. Don’t count until your hip is out of water. ▪50 Chg 3 w/3. Get on side. No fins. ▪(2-4) x50 Swim, over-rotate. Hips turn before hand enters. Main (1-4) x 100 (everyone did 100 IM, only faster lanes did other 100s) (1) 100 IM. Streamline to flags, go at least ½ way of each stroke. Can then switch to free. Fly, Bk, Br, Fr (2) 100 as 50 non-free/50 fr (3) 100 as 25 non/75 fr (4) 100 choice (2-4) x the following. (600) 100 free or 50 non-free. Good effort. On 1:40, 1:50, 2:00 or 2:05, 2:05 or 2:10, 2:45 50 free recovery on 1:00, 1:05, 1:10, 1:10, 1:30. **If you are a distance swimmer, swim 100 free. Others go 50 non-free on the same interval, which gives you lots of rest to really sprint. Everyone does 50 recovery together. ***I must not have explained this well, because it didn’t go well. Several lanes messed up the interval and then argued over why. Some days are like that (hopefully few and far between). Cool-Down (200) 150 pull/50 swim.
  • Tuesday, Mar 9, Meter Pool Warm-Up (1100) ▪400 (100 S / 50 D / 100 S / 50 D/ 100 S) ▪5 x 100 Pull. Rest 10-15. Increase effort. ▪200 Drills (fins). Two times through (1st time free, 2nd time back): 2 x 25 chg 6 (get on side, anchor hand for pull) 2 x 25 chg 3 w/ 3 strokes Main 1 (1200) 4 x 50 Set interval for 10 sec rest. 2 x 100 Set interval for 15 sec rest. 1 x 200 No interval, regroup after 200. 1 x 200 Set interval for 15-20 sec rest 2 x 100 Same interval as above. 4 x 50 Same interval as above. Main 2 (200-400) (1-2) x (150 Pull, 50 Swim) Cool-Down (100-200) 100-200 as 25 D/25 S
  • Wed, Mar 10, Meter Pool Monday's workout did not go well. This one was great. Everyone worked hard and followed directions! Because the rest was a little longer, they did very well in holding a good pace. Warm-Up (750-1200) 200-400 Swim, choice (5-10) x 50. (1-2) x (#1 3R-3L free, #2 3R-3-3L bk or fr, #3 Swim fr or bk, #4 ¾ c.u. fr, #5 Swim fr) 4 x 75 (#1 50K-25S w/ brd, #2 25S, 50 K w/ brd, #3 S-K-S no brd, #4 K-S-K no brd) Main (1200-1500) ▪(2 x 50 swim, 1 x 100 swim) 2 x through Swim 2 x through Pull 2 x through Swim * No breaks, continuous. 100 interval is slow enough to make additional rest unnecessary. Ln 4 – :55, 1:40 Ln 5 – 1:00 or 1:05, 2:00 Ln 6 and 7 – 1:15, 2:30 Ln 8 – 1:45, 3:30. This lane only did it 3 x through, not 6. ▪300 Pull (100 free/100 non-free/100 free) Cool-Down ? x 25 count, choice.
  • Thursday, Mar 11, Meter Pool Warm-Up (700-1000) 200-300 Swim 200-300 Pull 4 x 25 Swim down center lane. Keep hands outside the line. 200-300 Kick Main #1 (900) 3 x 100 Moderate pace. Rest 15-20 sec. Lane does not have to stay together. Tell me your time after each 100 or remember and tell me at the end. 300 Swim. Try to maintain the pace from the 100s. Get time. 3 x 100 Moderate. Set interval for 15 sec. Use average from 300. Main #2 (100-500) (2-10) x 50 on interval for 15-20 sec rest on fast ones. Odds are fast, evens are easy recovery. Choice. Cool-Down ? x 25 easy
  • Fri, Mar 12, Meter Pool Warm-Up (1000) •300 (75 free/25 almost catch-up) •200-300 Kick (bk, fly, or fr) •300 Breaststroke practice: 2 x 12 ½ breaststroke pull (go ½ way and return to wall; I want to watch pull) 50-100 breaststroke kick w/ brd 50 breaststroke pull w/ butter fly kick (fins ok). One kick per stroke. 50 breaststroke pull w/ free kick. Fast hands. 50-100 breaststroke swim with short pull and long glide. •4 x 25 choice, count strokes Main (1500) This is a continuous set of 1000, no additional rest between parts. •2 x 200 free on 3:15, 3:45, 4:10, 4:30. Lane 8: 1 x 200 on 5:30 •3 x 100 free on 1:40, 1:50, 2:05, 2:15, 3:00 •4 x 50 choice on : :55, 1:05, 1:15, 1:20, 1:45 •100 for time 50 easy (2-6) x 75 Go when 4th person touches. Choice stroke(s). 25 swim/25 drill/25 swim Cool-Down Easy pull.
  • Sat, Mar 13, Meter Pool This is a different type of workout today. I am going to a meet next Sat. and need to spend some time on back and ***. Free (800) 200 Free Swim 200 Free Pull 200 Free Drill/Swim by 25s (chg 6, chg 6 w/3, chg 3, chg w/) 4 x 50 Free on 1:05 Back (600) 100 Back Swim 100 Pull (25 bk/25 br) 100 Kick Back 200 Back Drill/Swim by 25s (“L”, L w/ 3, 3R/3L, 3R/3/L) 2 x 50 Back on 1:15 *** (400) 100 *** (50 swim/50 pull) 100 *** Kick 100 *** (25 drill/25 count) 2 x 50 *** on 1:15 6 x 50 on 1:15, choice (if time) 200 easy free
  • Monday, Mar 15, Meter Pool Warm-Up (800) 100-200 Swim 4 x 25 pull (no paddles) count strokes 4 x 25 pull w/paddles, count 4 x 25 swim, count, choice 200 drill, fins ok, back or free. Chg 6, chg 6 w/3, chg 3, chg 3 w/3. Use hips to turn. 100 swim, bk or fr, over-emphasize roll Main (1600) 16 x 25 1-8 Kick, 9-16 Swim 8 x 50 (1-4 choice on 1:00, 1:10, 1:20, 1:20, 1:45; 5-8 free on :50, 1:00, 1:10, 1:30) 4 x 100 1-3 Pull on 1:30, 1:50, 2:05, 2:15, 2:45; 4-Swim, choice 2 x 200 1-Pull, 2-Swim free or alt non free/free Cool-Down (100-400)
  • Wed, Mar 17, Meter Pool I had a substitute coach today so made a workout that each lane could work their through. The sets are short so that the slower lanes will get some variety. I did the workout Tuesday and got through the last set, but not the Cool Down, in an hour. Warm-Up (800) 200 Swim, free 100 Swim, alternate 25 non-free and 25 free 4 x 50 (25 as 3 right arm / 3 left arm and 25 swim). Leave when the 4th person touches. 3 x 100 Pull, free (increase effort on each one). Leave on 4th person. Main Set #1 (600) Ln 4 Ln 5 Ln 6 Ln 7 Ln 8 2 x 100 Swim, free 1:30 1:45 2:00 2:10 2:30 4 x 50 Swim, free :50 :55 1:05 1:10 1:30 1 x 200 Pull, free Main Set #2 (500) 5 x 100 Swim. Odds are 50 non-free/50 free. Evens are 100 free. Odds: 1:50 2:05 2:15 2:20 2:45 Evens: 1:40 1:55 2:05 2:15 2:30 (I made the intervals a little longer. You should get plenty of rest.) Main Set #3 (400) 200 Pull (75 free/25 non-free) 200 Swim (25 choice/25 free. Choice can be free.) Cool-Down (100-500) (2-10) x 50 Odds are d/s; evens are swim. Rest 10-15 seconds.
  • Friday, Mar 19, Meter Pool Today I pushed them a little beyond their comfort zone, but it worked well. I think swimmers were surprised at times when they had a little rest. Warm-Up (1300) 200-300 Swim 200-300 Pull 200 Kick (4-10) x 50 Rotate: 50K, 50D, 50 D/S, 50 S Main (1300) 3 x 100 Distance free: as fast as possible and hold pace. Non-free: 100 stroke fast, 100 free recovery, 100 same stroke fast Ln 4: 1:45 / Ln 5: 2:05 / Ln 6: 2:20 / Ln 7: 2:40 / Ln 8: 3:15 (2-4) x 50 Recovery. Odd drill/swim. Even swim. Rest 10-15. 3 x 100 same as above. Non-free can be a different stroke. (2-4) x 50 Recovery. Fins. Odd kick. Even swim. Rest 10-15. 300 Pull Cool-Down (100) Easy swim.