Betsy's 1 Hr Workouts

Introduction. I coach 3 mornings a week at a 25 meter pool with an average of 25 swimmers in 5 lanes. I coach 2 evenings a week at a 25 yard pool with an average of 12-14 swimmers in 5 lanes. Both workouts are for one hour. They are mixed groups with competitive swimmers, triathletes, and people who just want a good workout. Ages range from 20 to 87, with an occassional teen-ager dropping in. My emphasis is on techinique and pace. I swim 3 days a week with a coach at a Y pool. I use some sets that I learn from my coach, Laura Peter. I also write a workout for myself for Saturday mornings. The workouts that I coach are 2500-2800 meters for the fastest lane, scaled down for other lanes. In the yard pool, they are 2700-3000 yards for the fastest lanes. For my personal workouts, I aim for 2500 yards and try to boost it to 2700 in the fall.
  • Friday, Mar 5, Meter Pool Different today. All strokework. It worked well, but we didn't not finish all that I had written in an hour. Freestyle (700-800) ▪200-300 Swim ▪200 (25 3 rt arm/3 lft arm, 25 swim). Look at where your hand is going. ▪4 x 25 wait until everyone in lane finishes. Swim down center lane and make sure pull stays wider than the center line. You should not touch your leg with your hand. ▪4 x 50 on :50, :55, 1:05, 1:30. Do the stroke correctly. Reach/roll. Elbow up. Pull shoulder width. Finish. Recover w/ arm relatively straight. Breaststroke (350) ▪Pull *** ½ way, stop. Turn around and pull back to wall. Keep the pull out in front. Squeeze arms together. Repeat if necessary. ▪2 x 25 Breaststroke pull with one butterfly kick per stroke. Use your hips. Squeeze arms. ▪50-100 Kick. Kick butterfly or free if you can’t kick ***. ▪2 x 25 Swim with a 2-3 count glide. ▪2 x 50 Swim all *** or 25 br/25 fr. Rest 10-15. 100 Swim, choice, easy Butterfly – fins ok (250) ▪2 x 25 Kick (no board). Fast, shallow kick. Move hips, whip feet at the end. ▪2 x 25 (3 rt arm/3 lft arm). Recovery is not like freestyle; arm is straighter and to the side. ▪2 x 25 Underwater recovery. ▪2 x 25 Start with fast, shallow kick – to flags. Swim as many strokes as it feels good (>2). ▪2 x 25 Fins off. Swim as far as you again each length. 100 Swim, choice, easy Backstroke – fins ok (300) ▪2 x 25 Pull. You must rotate to make this work. ▪50 Chg 6. Get on side! ▪50 Chg 3. Don’t count until your hip is out of water. ▪50 Chg 3 w/3. Get on side. ▪50 Swim, over-rotate. Hips turn before hand enters. ▪50 Swim, fins off. 4 x 100 (1) 100 IM. Do at least ½ way of each stroke. Can then switch to free. Fly, Bk, Br, Fr (2) 100 as 50 non-free/50 fr; (3) 100 as 25 non/75 fr; (4) 100 choice 100-300 Pull free
  • Friday, Mar 5, Meter Pool Different today. All strokework. It worked well, but we didn't not finish all that I had written in an hour. Freestyle (700-800) ▪200-300 Swim ▪200 (25 3 rt arm/3 lft arm, 25 swim). Look at where your hand is going. ▪4 x 25 wait until everyone in lane finishes. Swim down center lane and make sure pull stays wider than the center line. You should not touch your leg with your hand. ▪4 x 50 on :50, :55, 1:05, 1:30. Do the stroke correctly. Reach/roll. Elbow up. Pull shoulder width. Finish. Recover w/ arm relatively straight. Breaststroke (350) ▪Pull *** ½ way, stop. Turn around and pull back to wall. Keep the pull out in front. Squeeze arms together. Repeat if necessary. ▪2 x 25 Breaststroke pull with one butterfly kick per stroke. Use your hips. Squeeze arms. ▪50-100 Kick. Kick butterfly or free if you can’t kick ***. ▪2 x 25 Swim with a 2-3 count glide. ▪2 x 50 Swim all *** or 25 br/25 fr. Rest 10-15. 100 Swim, choice, easy Butterfly – fins ok (250) ▪2 x 25 Kick (no board). Fast, shallow kick. Move hips, whip feet at the end. ▪2 x 25 (3 rt arm/3 lft arm). Recovery is not like freestyle; arm is straighter and to the side. ▪2 x 25 Underwater recovery. ▪2 x 25 Start with fast, shallow kick – to flags. Swim as many strokes as it feels good (>2). ▪2 x 25 Fins off. Swim as far as you again each length. 100 Swim, choice, easy Backstroke – fins ok (300) ▪2 x 25 Pull. You must rotate to make this work. ▪50 Chg 6. Get on side! ▪50 Chg 3. Don’t count until your hip is out of water. ▪50 Chg 3 w/3. Get on side. ▪50 Swim, over-rotate. Hips turn before hand enters. ▪50 Swim, fins off. 4 x 100 (1) 100 IM. Do at least ½ way of each stroke. Can then switch to free. Fly, Bk, Br, Fr (2) 100 as 50 non-free/50 fr; (3) 100 as 25 non/75 fr; (4) 100 choice 100-300 Pull free
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