Fun, and Fast

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Former Member
The cross-training routine that was previously posted on this thread had a variety of advice. Although quite a few people have mentioned to me that they prefer to swim, and don't really want to lift weights. That's understandable, but attempting to compromise I suggest these 4 critical exercises, 3xweek. This could take as little as 15 minutes, but will have significant impact on your swimming base times. Here's why: Ankle flexibility is crucial, as this is the anchor on your ship. Even if you don't improve power or strength, having your ankles flexible will reduce the drag and improve body position. So, I recommend a minimum of 6 minutes (3x per week), on the bike with your toes pointed. This is primarily to warm up the ankles as well as training the range of motion. 1199 Don't be discouraged if you can't do this next stretch right away. When I started 8 years ago I couldn't get my knees off the ground, and my SDK was ineffective. Just have patience, and after several months you should notice a gradual improvement. Not everyone is gifted with natural mobility in the ankles, but the good news is this can be earned. Try and hold the stretch for 3x20 seconds. 1200 Moving up the body line, core stability is critical for maintaining the right trajectory while swimming. Be sure to bring the elbow all the way around the knee, and tighten the core as you go through the motion. Pick a weight that enables you to do 3x12 reps on both sides. 1201 This last exercise is great for your core, but I've noticed it is also really good for the upper body, especially the catch phase of the stroke, as well as engaging the lats on the horizontal axis. Again, 3x12 reps, and these four exercises can be made into a short mini-routine that most aspiring swimmers should at least consider. 1202 Happy swimming, 1203 So I finally have my video on FLOSWIMMING here it is 100 free SCM - 51.60 which converts to 46.02 SCY
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 15 years ago
    Hi Leslie! Ummm... It's something I need to do, while I still can. I could say more, but it's best to just focus on the swim. Welcome back, Jonathan! What inspired the mini-marathon? AM - work-out 1 hour Yoga PM - Swim SCM 3x(100 free on 1:40 + 4x25 IM on :40) 2x(6x75 IM on 1:20 + 6x50 free descend 1-3, + 6 x 25 IM on :40) 4x(3x100 on 1:45, no breathing last length) 3x(200 free pull on 3:20 + 100 kick on 2:30, last kick fast 1:25) 200 easy
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 15 years ago
    Congrats on the weight drop. Running is the absolute best for weight loss and weight maintenance. The pounds just jiggle off. Thanks, yes, when I first started running a few months ago I didn't know if I would be able to keep going over the long haul. The first 30 minutes was pure anguish as everyone would pass me with ease around the track... The speakers would rock out coming around every corner, and it didn't matter if my favorite song was playing, the noise was intolerable... Honestly, it took a couple weeks before the run even felt remotely enjoyable. That being said, I must admit, tonight I really did feel the runners "high" and it was fantastic... Although it might have just been the new shoes I bought, they are pretty swank. Not quite as good as streamlining through cool water, but a close second. Also, it feels really good to have dropped some weight, not sure if that will actually translate into a better performance over the 100 meters, but I'm certain the 400 will be decent. I feel trim. Tonight's work-out 8 minutes on bike, toes pointed with clips on the tips of the shoes. This next mini-routine, one of each, alternating through 3x 3X {20 seconds ankle stretch 3X {20 push-ups 3X {20 reverse freestyle with 10 lb weight each arm 3x repeat list though cycle 3X {12 x rope crunch with 80 pounds 3X {12 x rope crunch left " 3X {12 x rope crunch right " 3X {12 x roll bar 3X {40 x straight arm pull 30lbs 3X {25 x seated row 40 reps vertical row, each arm, 20 lbs 40 reps alternating bicep curl, each arm for total of 80, 20lbs 40 reps incline bench 20 lbs 50 reps lat pull, 75 lbs 60 reps tricep pull, 30 lbs 30 minute jog at a moderate pace Stretch routine see link - Post 109 .
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 15 years ago
    I'm not going to write every single swim/work-out over the next few months, possibly just occasional highlights, etc. Happy swimming...
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 15 years ago
    The past three work-outs in the last two days have been pretty good. Monday PM - SCM 100 IM drill 6x50 kick 100 IM drill 6x50 pull 100 IM 6x50 swim 2 x (3x100 descend 1-3 on 1:50 + 8x50 cruise on 1:10) from push on last 100, 56.4, and 55.83 16x25 kick on :40 last one fast, :16.3 200 easy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tuesday AM 8 minutes on bike, toes pointed with clips on the tips of the shoes. This next mini-routine, one of each, alternating through 3x 3X {20 seconds ankle stretch 3X {20 push-ups 3X {20 reverse freestyle with 10 lb weight each arm 3x repeat list though cycle 3X {12 x rope crunch with 80 pounds 3X {12 x rope crunch left " 3X {12 x rope crunch right " 3X {12 x roll bar 3X {40 x straight arm pull 30lbs 3X {25 x seated row 40 reps vertical row, each arm, 20 lbs 40 reps alternating bicep curl, each arm for total of 80, 20lbs 40 reps incline bench 20 lbs 50 reps lat pull, 75 lbs 60 reps tricep pull, 30 lbs 30 minute jog at a moderate pace Stretch routine see link - Post 109 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tuesday PM - SCM 2x 200 DPS 4x100 on 1:30 all 4 averaged 1:04 200 easy 4x100 on 1:30 all 4 averaged 1:03 200 easy 4x100 on 1:30 last 4, 1:04, 1:05, 1:03, 1:00.57 200 easy 8x50 dps easy on 2:00 I'm pretty happy with these past few work-outs.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 15 years ago
    Really like your Tuesday PM set. I think I will borrow that one on the weekend. Great times by the way. You must be pleased with your progress.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 15 years ago
    Thanks, yes, I'm cautiously optimistic, 36 more days before taper. What's life like in Taiwan, and do you have pictures I can see? Really like your Tuesday PM set. I think I will borrow that one on the weekend. Great times by the way. You must be pleased with your progress. Here are the past three work-outs, a pretty good week over-all. Wends PM - SCM 4 x 100 IM drill 3X through next set, kick, pull, swim (200 IM 3x50 free 2x75 IM 2x50 100 IM 50 free) 6x50 free on :60 strong from push averaged 29.5 on all 6 200 easy 8x25 1 easy 1 fast from push on :40 12.7, 12.5, 12.3, 12.4 200 easy Thurs. AM 8 minutes on bike, toes pointed with clips on the tips of the shoes. This next mini-routine, one of each, alternating through 3x 3X {20 seconds ankle stretch 3X {20 push-ups 3X {20 reverse freestyle with 10 lb weight each arm 3x repeat list though cycle 3X {12 x rope crunch with 80 pounds 3X {12 x rope crunch left " 3X {12 x rope crunch right " 3X {12 x roll bar 3X {40 x straight arm pull 30lbs 3X {25 x seated row 40 reps vertical row, each arm, 20 lbs 40 reps alternating bicep curl, each arm for total of 80, 20lbs 40 reps incline bench 20 lbs 50 reps lat pull, 75 lbs 60 reps tricep pull, 30 lbs 30 minute jog at a moderate pace Stretch routine see link - Post 109 Thursday PM Swim - SCM 2 x 200 DPS 4x75 on 1:30 best average :46, :47, :45, :44 200 Easy 4x75 on 1:30 best average :46, :45, :45, :43 200 easy 4x75 on 1:30 best average :44, :45, :43, :41 200 easy 8x50 paddles on 1:20 DPS 400 easy
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 15 years ago
    Over-all it was a pretty solid week of training. Friday and Sat. were mostly active recovery days. (In case anyone was wondering, my Avatar is hand painted, not a photo.) Friday PM - swim SCM 3x200 DPS 8x100 on 1:45 average 1:15 with paddles 200 easy 8x50 dolphin kick on back with fins on 1:20 averaged 31's cruising 200 easy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sat. AM swim SCM 4 x 100 on 2:00 1free/IM 4 x 50 kick on 1:30 4 x 50 Paddles on 1:15 4 x 100 on 2:00 1free/IM 3 x (2 x 150 free/IM + 100 kick) on 2:30 3 x (4x50 IM with fins on :60 +100 kick) 4th 50 fast from push, 24,1, 23.97, 23.68 2 x 300 paddles/easy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunday AM 8 minutes on bike, toes pointed with clips on the tips of the shoes. This next mini-routine, one of each, alternating through 3x 3X {20 seconds ankle stretch 3X {20 push-ups 3X {20 reverse freestyle with 10 lb weight each arm 3x repeat list though cycle 3X {12 x rope crunch with 80 pounds 3X {12 x rope crunch left " 3X {12 x rope crunch right " 3X {12 x roll bar 3X {40 x straight arm pull 30lbs 3X {25 x seated row 40 reps vertical row, each arm, 20 lbs 40 reps alternating bicep curl, each arm for total of 80, 20lbs 40 reps incline bench 20 lbs 50 reps lat pull, 75 lbs 60 reps tricep pull, 30 lbs 30 minute jog at a moderate pace Stretch routine see link - Post 109 .
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 15 years ago
    So, I finally started using my "new" digital underwater camera, given that it has been a few months, I've been delaying the progress. This short "test" video took months of planning, as the lighting crew was unsatisfied with the performance, and the hair and make-up artists were on vacation. So I had to settle with the limited props, and create this masterpiece. Actually, I just woke up from an afternoon nap, and was preparing to eat some lunch.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 15 years ago
    Saturday's workout was pretty good. I was able to get some video work done during the warm-up, funny if you can watch the whole thing, I swim at the end, otherwise, here was the set, etc. SCM 5x200 drill/swim/kick/pull/IM Twice through this next set. 3X100 IM DPS on 2:15 1x200 free on 4:00 3x100 free FAST! on 2:15 100 easy on 3:00 On the 100's from a push I did these times, 58.64, 59.5, 1:01.2 59.5, 58.93, 59.62 Warm down, 3x200 easy, starts and turns... Here are the video's: Also, here is a closer look at the painting (it's also half way through the video)... as well as my medal collection... 1367 13711372
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 15 years ago
    JMiller, I'm new to the site and was looking at your first post on this thread. Could you explain a little more on a couple of the exercises/pictures? On the stationary bike, are you keeping your toes pointed at all times or just at the bottom? I'll have to try it, but it looks awkard. On the last picture, am I corrrect that the full exercise would be to start on your knees with toes/feet off the ground; then roll forward to prone position (as in picture) and back to starting position? Sorry if this seems obvious, but I wanted a little clarification. Thanks