new again at this.

Former Member
Former Member
I taught myself how to lap swim while in college. That was about 20 years ago. I have just started swimming again and wonder if anyone can give me feedback on how I am doing without actually watching me swim. I swim 3600 yards non-stop freestyle in about an hour and 4 minutes and I do this 3-4 times a week. Is this a decent workout or is there something more I can do to get a better workout? I don't feel particularly tired by the end of 2 miles. (I do alternate breathing every 5-6 strokes, flip turns, and I don't splash water with my arms/legs)
  • Jackie, Without seeing you swim it is difficult to give specific feedback. However, in general swimming 2 miles 3 to 4 times a week is great, regardless of the time it takes to complete it. And, a little over an hour is a very good time. As for decent workouts – there are hundreds of workouts listed in the workout section of this forum. All of them have something to offer. Is there more you can do to get a better workout? Yes, I’m a huge fan getting involved in Masters swimming workouts. I find I will push myself much harder when I workout with others. And with coached workouts, I also get specific stroke feedback/suggestions and encouragement to try even harder. Not to mention the camaraderie and good friends I have developed through Masters. I’m sure there is a Masters program in your area. You can find a listing of these on the Places to Swim page of the USMS website