
Former Member
Former Member
I am a beginning swimmer who has been a competetive runner and ultrarunner for a long time. When I started swimming, I thought it would be easy to develop a kick. It turns out that this is one of my major weaknesses. For example, I can barely make it accroos the pool when kicking behind a kickboard. I need some tips on getting my kick up to par!!
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Leo...I too was a runner, and thinks to knee injuries, have found myself back to the water (and it's a blessing!). At first, I felt like a lead weight, and then I read a book called total immersion--which helped me with body position and technique. Second, I put on my fins--like Tall Paul talked about, the longer split kind. The drill that helped me utilize my legs was swimming on side, with 6-8 kicks per side with fins on, then 6-8 kicks on the other side, alternating like this for a 500 or more. For your arms during this drill, lay your ear (submerged side) on your shoulder, with arm staight ahead as if reaching for the wall, and keep the other arm on the side of your thigh. To switch sides, just "roll over". Do a 500 of this, and you'll notice a big change in your ankels and feet. During the drill, just remember it's a drill--focus is on the exagerated kick, and roll. Also, kickboard with fins is excellent--and is great for end sets of your workout. Don't be discouraged with kickboard of no takes time to adjust to the water--especially after all of the running you've done. The theory of "specificity" is relevant here. Have fun! ;) Jerrycat PS, if by chance you do have knee injuries, then don't overdue ***--as the kick can be hard on the knees.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Leo...I too was a runner, and thinks to knee injuries, have found myself back to the water (and it's a blessing!). At first, I felt like a lead weight, and then I read a book called total immersion--which helped me with body position and technique. Second, I put on my fins--like Tall Paul talked about, the longer split kind. The drill that helped me utilize my legs was swimming on side, with 6-8 kicks per side with fins on, then 6-8 kicks on the other side, alternating like this for a 500 or more. For your arms during this drill, lay your ear (submerged side) on your shoulder, with arm staight ahead as if reaching for the wall, and keep the other arm on the side of your thigh. To switch sides, just "roll over". Do a 500 of this, and you'll notice a big change in your ankels and feet. During the drill, just remember it's a drill--focus is on the exagerated kick, and roll. Also, kickboard with fins is excellent--and is great for end sets of your workout. Don't be discouraged with kickboard of no takes time to adjust to the water--especially after all of the running you've done. The theory of "specificity" is relevant here. Have fun! ;) Jerrycat PS, if by chance you do have knee injuries, then don't overdue ***--as the kick can be hard on the knees.
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