i usually swim in the summer and winter both competetivly, looking for some offseason training. i can't get in a pool till june but i want to do something. i have been running and lifting weights but not following any kind of plan. my events are mostly 200 free, 500 free and 50 free and occasionaly 50 fly.
any help would be apreiciated
A fun thing you can try is some old fashioned roadwork. Combine running and calisthenics, in an organized or a fartlek fashion.
Run 100 yards
10 pushups
Walk 50 yards
10 crunches
Run 200 yards
10 squats
Walk 50 yards
This kind of dryland practice has the nice feature that it is harder than it sounds.
You can of course, do a similar practice in the pool:
Swim 25 free
Climb out, 10 pushups
Dive in, 25 ***
5 pullups on the side ("poolouts")
Climb out on the last one, dive in again
Or even
10x25 on 45, freestyle with a dive, get out immediately, and stand up after each one.
Swim fast!