Workout in hotel pool?????

Former Member
Former Member
I travel 5 days per. I decided to return to swimming and attempt to use the hotel pools. I have a kick board/power fins/mittens I can use and have ordered a teather to attach to the pool ladder. Anyone out there ever heard of a good workout developed for this kind of scenario?
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    It seems like a good opportunity to perfect turns, to do some vertical kicking (if deep enough) ... fists instead of paddles will be a little slower to accomodate the short length of most hotel pools. If you are really considering five days a week ... try to find some longer pools. There are hotels with lap pools (really 25 yds), but I think they are few and far between. Maybe you can stay near a real pool as the previous poster recommended, and get in a time or two a week. Here in Chicago the city pools 20 or 25 yds long (depending) are either free or $10/season unlimited use. Some are really nice and alot are definately adequate. Good Luck!
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    It seems like a good opportunity to perfect turns, to do some vertical kicking (if deep enough) ... fists instead of paddles will be a little slower to accomodate the short length of most hotel pools. If you are really considering five days a week ... try to find some longer pools. There are hotels with lap pools (really 25 yds), but I think they are few and far between. Maybe you can stay near a real pool as the previous poster recommended, and get in a time or two a week. Here in Chicago the city pools 20 or 25 yds long (depending) are either free or $10/season unlimited use. Some are really nice and alot are definately adequate. Good Luck!
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