Hi, just ran my first marathon last week at age 50! Now I plan to do another but want to add swimming cross training to improve overall fitness. I need a good workout that I can do in 45 minutes three mornings a week. Last fall I usually swam under 60 second 50's freestyle. Any suggestions? Also, I would like to target swimming sub 30 second 50's someday (as I did when swimming on the high school swim team.)
Former Member
Looks like I'm following in your foot steps. I'm running my first half-marathon this Spring and hopefully a full marathon next Fall. I've been away from swimming since HS, which is about 18 years ago. I was looking for a cross training workout and would also like to get into Triathlons. I guess this is my early mid-life crisis! The workouts that the coaches post under general/workouts are really good. I had to modify them for beginner status but just last night I did 1500 yards in 45 minutes. It was a great workout and my arms were beat afterwards. Anyway, take a look at them, they will give you a lot of ideas.