Any Workout Advice For A Soon To Be Lifeguard

Former Member
Former Member
I start Life guard trainning in a few weeks. Do you have any advice on what workouts i could do to be better prepared? I only have access to a pool about once a week so are there any dryland workouts that will help? Thanks,
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    The big thing is the 500 yard swim the first day usually. That is a weed 'em out swim. No problem if you have been swimming. I don't think there is a time limit anymore unless it has changed back. The rest of the training is not that taxing. I was 40 years old and only learned to swim 2 years before that when I did the training. If you do not know the kick for elementary backstroke (*** kick on the back) I would suggest you practice that one. It is one you will use. Reverse sidestroke kick is also used.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    The big thing is the 500 yard swim the first day usually. That is a weed 'em out swim. No problem if you have been swimming. I don't think there is a time limit anymore unless it has changed back. The rest of the training is not that taxing. I was 40 years old and only learned to swim 2 years before that when I did the training. If you do not know the kick for elementary backstroke (*** kick on the back) I would suggest you practice that one. It is one you will use. Reverse sidestroke kick is also used.
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