gradual build-up effort: 4x50 4x50 4x50 4x50- Set an interval that's 20 seconds slower than your fastest 50. (For example, if it takes you a minute to do a 50, your interval would be 1:20 on the first 50.) After each 50, add five seconds to the interval. Rest 30 seconds between each round of 50s. On each suceeding round, shorten the interval by by five seconds, but still add 5 seconds to each suceesive interval. If your get it right, your last round of 50s should be on an interval that's 10 seconds slower than your faster 50./
all-out effort: 4x100 4x100 4x100 4x100- The first 100 in each round should be on an interval you can barely make. Then add 5 seconds to the second 100, 5 more to the third, and another 5 to the fourth. Then take an additional 30 to 60 seconds before starting the next round./
medium hard effort: 4x100 kick- Rest 30 to 60 seconds between 100s./
medium hard effort: 4x50 kick- Rest 30 to 60 seconds between 50s./
easy and relaxed effort: easy 100-/
medium hard effort: 4x100 swim- Use the same pattern of rest as in the first set of 100s, but set an interval that reduces your rest by 5 seconds from what it was in the first set of 100s./
easy and relaxed effort: easy 100-/
gradual build-up effort: 4x50- Use the same pattern of rest as used in the warm-up set, but start on an interval that's only 5 seconds slower than your fastest 50./
TOTAL: 3,800
easy and relaxed: 20-40% above your resting heart rate (RHR0
gradual build-up: 40-60% above your RHR
medium hard: 60-80% above your RHR
all-out effort: 80-100% above your RHR
This workout is very rewarding and since a lot of its working on speed some it seems to go by faster and be less than what it looks like it will be. I like the way it has a gradual buid-up set at the end unstead of the usual easy and relaxed set, it works at well. I give it two thumbs up. :D