Pace Charts

Former Member
Former Member this is so coming from someone who didn't grow up in competitive swimming...but what is this pace chart I have in my coaches manual? Can someone explain it to me?
  • I was waiting for someone who has a coaches manual to reply, but I'm willing to take a wild guess. I have seen two kinds of pace charts (in other books). One has a swim time (per 100) on one axis, and a distance (200, 300, etc.) on the other. I gather this is for early morning practices before drinking coffee, when it is hard to remember if a 900 at a 1:30 per hundred pace should take 13:30 or 11:70. :) The second type I have seen has a (race) time (per 100) on one axis, and an effort level on the other. This would let you know how fast the person should be swimming during a sprint set, recovery set, etc.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Heather, There is a pace chart in the Fitness section of the USMS web site. Click on Fitness, and then go to "Getting Started" - you will find it there. Or, simply go to: The pace chart in the Fitness section has a brief explanation about how it may be used. Bill Volckening USMS Fitness Committee
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Thanks!! That link totally explained it!! :p