20 yard pool

Former Member
Former Member
I've normally swum in a SCY pool, but for the summer I can only do that twice a week and use a shallow 20 yard pool 1-2 times a week. Does anyone have any workouts or advice for practices in such a short pool? I have noticed that I do not get as tired in the 20 yard pool and that my strokes tend to get worse after using the 20 yard pool for a while (having to swim in such a shallow pool creates larger waves that really toss me around).
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I swam in 20-yard pools some time ago when I was a better swimmer, but I remember them well: crowded, dark, rough water, hazardous walls, bad water and bad air and a chronic sinus condition, and worst of all - I never got a chance to breath. I put 20-yard pools and kidney-shaped pools in the same category - inventions from hell designed to discourage swimming as an exercise. If you can do it best of luck, but my advice is to work out somewhere else.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I swam in 20-yard pools some time ago when I was a better swimmer, but I remember them well: crowded, dark, rough water, hazardous walls, bad water and bad air and a chronic sinus condition, and worst of all - I never got a chance to breath. I put 20-yard pools and kidney-shaped pools in the same category - inventions from hell designed to discourage swimming as an exercise. If you can do it best of luck, but my advice is to work out somewhere else.
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