4000+IM Workout 4/29/02

Former Member
Former Member
OK IM'ers... you are looking to work on you IM again.. endurance, endurance ...this is the workout for you. Long warm-up 1000 W.U. 800 IM (timed) we want your time since we will be doing this every week for the next month. You will be amazed how after just 4 weeks your 800 IM time will drop so be sure to write down your time on this. 12 x 150's- (10 or 15 seconds rest between sets) The odd numbers free the even numbers IM (50 fly, 50 back, 50 ***) second IM should be rotating stroke order to 50 bk, 50 br, 50 fly, etc. Kick 10 50's IM on 1:15 backstroke- no boards - fly kick on eat least on lap on your back Pull 200 IM Swim down 200 free 4000