Discussion Forums will be under contruction starting Mar. 17

On Wednesday, March 17, the USMS Discussion Forums will be shut down in preparation for our move to a new platform with updated functionality and features. This new platform, which will be rebranded USMS Community, will be launched on March 30. Community will include discussion groups, forums, and threads in a modern environment that we hope more USMS members will use to connect with fellow swimmers. We will slowly roll out additional changes so we can gather feedback and make strategic adjustments. Community will also allow for more robust profile details, recognition of achievements through badges, and management of some membership information. Forums and forum threads from the current USMS Discussion Forums will be transitioned into Community. Usernames will be included for all posts from USMS members who originally linked their forums account to their USMS membership record, including those who arenâ€Tmt currently members. However, users who were never USMS members will lose the link to their posts; all of those posts will be from a generic username. Some forums that havenâ€Tmt been active for a while will be archived. After reviewing the Discussion Forums posts, weâ€Tmll be enhancing the forum structure to make it easier to follow certain topics and more clearly define areas. Community will also be a membership benefit, so only USMS members will be able to contribute. Some of the Community functionality will be similar. But like with any new software, adjusting to the interface can take some time. Blogs, images, documents, post links, emojis, and formatting, as well as profile information, wonâ€Tmt be transitioned to the new platform. As a part of the Community upgrade, we have also enhanced a few other areas to make My USMS-Community integration, site navigation, and membership self-service easier. We will send out more information and FAQs in the coming weeks. The important dates to note are: - March 17: USMS Discussion Forums will be shut down - March 30: USMS Community will tentatively be soft launched - April 5: USMS Community will be publicly launched and announced We want to thank you for your patience and canâ€Tmt wait to connect, learn, and share with you in our new USMS Community. Your Friends at U.S. Masters Swimming
  • I have had to CTRL+C and CTRL+V each workout one by one into word. That's the best I could figure out. I had done that a couple of years ago with my blog through 2016. Over the last couple of days I have frantically copied all the workouts I wrote for four years for USMS (2012-2013 for High Volume, 2015-2016 for IM), but they are just copied in whatever format I could get. They look ugly in word. I only realized tonight that I still need to grab 2017 and 2018 from my blog!
  • 10 years of my documented workout information in the blog will be deleted?
  • 10 years of my documented workout information in the blog will be deleted? I feel like the "blogs going away" has been rumored for like a year now, that's why I stopped writing my workouts on the blog and started a paper notebook one.
  • Iâ€Tmve swum in meets in BC with USMS membership.As have I. And, I'd highly recommend to all USMS swimmers to get yourself to Victoria if BC Masters ever hosts another event at the Saanich Commonwealth Games pool; it's one of my favorite in the world (even though some BC stroke & turn judge made the wrong call an DQd me on a backstroke turn :D)
  • 10 years of my documented workout information in the blog will be deleted? That's what it sounds like. Did anyone else get the private message this morning stating, "... If you would like to keep your history of your blogs, please copy them from this platform to another."? Is there a mechanism for exporting the blog posts? To copy them manually 1-by-1 would take hours, probably days, and there is only 13 hours before the shutdown!
  • That's what it sounds like. Did anyone else get the private message this morning stating, "... If you would like to keep your history of your blogs, please copy them from this platform to another."? Is there a mechanism for exporting the blog posts? To copy them manually 1-by-1 would take hours, probably days, and there is only 13 hours before the shutdown! So I just did a cursory Google for exporting vBulletin posts to different files, and came up blank. It might cause some slightly screwy formatting, but you could copy/paste page by page instead of post by post - looks like each page displays 20 entries, so that's a little faster.
  • I have had to CTRL+C and CTRL+V each workout one by one into word. I got through roughly half my blog and took a break, that was a few months ago. I have zero idea what they mean by copying it to a new platform. vBulletin is like dinosaur age forum technology. At this point it would be like saying "I got this recording on an VHS and I want to know if I can copy it to Blu-Ray." If anyone finds a simpler way let me know. I reached out to ask if the old forums will at least be archived to buy me more time to finish copying everything over. I figure I have about 8-10 hours of work still to do to copy the rest of the stuff over. I'm trying to frantically copy my preferred sets of workouts, too. I'm running out of time. I thought I remembered most of them, but I don't. I guess the past year has just been so sporadic that I have forgotten a lot, and I'm just getting back in after a 2.5 month hiatus (surgery). I hope the servers are on the west coast!