Does swimming mean too much to me?

Former Member
Former Member
Swimming has had such a positive impact on my life, both mentally and physically, that when I'm not able to swim, it's devatstating to me. I had swimmer's ear last month. Saw a urgent care dr on the weekend that prescribed antibiotics and advised 10 days away from the pool. Ok, did it. Followed her orders perfectly. However, the ear didn't seem quite well, but hey, I took the antibiotics and did as she said, so "stop questioning yourself". I also faithfully used swimmer's ear drying aid on the deck after every practice, 4 days a week. So, here again, I have another bout of swimmer's ear infection, so I saw my primary dr. She said since it was another infection so quickly after the last, she suspects it could fungal instead of bacterial (which explains why I never felt 100 percent back to normal regarding the first bout taking antibiotics). I have an appointment with an ENT next Tuesday. Hopefully he wil clean out both ears and set me on course with anti fungal drops. I thought, that's doable. 2 weeks max away from practice. Not so fast - I mentioned to my primary I had a lump above my belly button that had been there for at least 18 months. She examined and noted it was not a hernia, but possibly scar tissue or fatty tissue. She sent me for an ultrasound. I have since read that ultrasounds can not detect "scar tissue", so why have one? I did anyway and the result was, "We dont' know what it is, and that concerns us, so it needs to be exscised out or biopsied. Could be nothing or could be something." Terrific. :afraid::badday: Mind you, I've had 2 lap proceedures in the passed in that exact area. I'm prone to say it's just scar tissue, but that unknown in the back of my head concerns me. All of that is not good, of course, if it's more serious than scar tissue. But I'm grieving missing probably up to 2 months of swim practice. I still don't have a surgical date or met the surgeon yet. Hoping that happens asap. I just want to get the ball rolling. Get in there, check it out, ease my mind and let me get on with life. Thanks for letting me vent. Between ear fungal issue and this upcoming lap surgery - I'm going to miss a lot practice. Do I love swimming too much?
  • Happens. I have a daughter who is a Junior National level swimmer, who has missed over half of her junior year.....right when schools are recruiting. This due to multiple eye surgeries, a concussion, and now, a pile of school work that has stacked up due to multiple trips to Vanderbilt (hospital). Yes, missing swimming, especially in this year of her life, is brutal - but perspective.......her school work is an issue, and her eyesight is far more important. I'm a month removed from an injury that tore the UCL in my thumb, a bit over a week removed from surgery on it, and I can't swim or bike or even run (due to risk of a fall) until the pin is removed in another month. It sucks not swimming, but not having use of a thumb sucks, and the last thing I need to try to deal with is an infection. Perspective. It sucks, but everyone goes through it. Of course, there are still some people who can't access pools. I didn't from March until October of last year, though I was able to take up some open water swimming (and other activities, i.e. mountain biking.....hence the torn ligament!). But yeah, it sucks. You just have to make do. Just try to stay active. If you are comfortable in the gym, do that (I'm personally not, no one wears masks here - the big complex in your town has been very good about enforcing them from what I've seen, and they have some stationaries?). Hope the procedure goes well, good luck!
  • I suspect most forumites would say it is hard for swimming to mean too much. If you are injured and swimming would make it worse and you swim anyway, then yes(maybe, it has been awhile since I have done that.) My area has no pools open due to COVID and I am wondering how my wetsuit will do in 40 degree water. Not that desperate yet.
  • A 4/3 surfing wetsuit with a cap and boots might work. And there's the coney island ny crew who swim all winter without any wetsuits, but they are acclimated to it. In a normal tri swimming wetsuit 3-2 or 2-2 i don't think you'll last long. My last experience below 65 felt like my face had been smacked with a board. Like you i've been out since March. Although around here some pools have opened for 45 min. lane reservations. Vaccination is my get out of jail card.
  • I am wondering how my wetsuit will do in 40 degree water. Not that desperate yet.Get booties, gloves and a thermal cap if/when you do get that deseparate! I'm in the same boat - last swim was December 18th and the earliest pools might open will be mid-February, but I'm estimating they will stay closed where I am through at least the end of March :(
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 3 years ago
    I'm sorry you and daughter are going through similar. But, you said, "perspective" and yes, swimming must take a back seat for seasons and those seasons will come and go. KAC is a very nice facility and I think they are doing a wonderful job keeping the pool up and running during covid19. I appreciate all they do.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 3 years ago
    I do hope it won't be too much longer for you to get in the pool! I am hopeful about the situation!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 3 years ago
    Thank you! :cheerleader:
  • Swimming has had such a positive impact on my life, both mentally and physically, that when I'm not able to swim, it's devatstating to me. ... Do I love swimming too much? The simple answer... No! You're fine! Best of luck with the procedures!
  • Best of luck on your procedures. I have the same mess with multiple issues at the same time. Your not alone and we all miss swimming terribly.