Any tips for finding big/tall jammers?

Former Member
Former Member
Hey y'all, I'm not a competitive swimmer, by any means...I've been swimming for exercise/cardio/weight loss for about 3 years now (started when I was 500 lbs), and I have a heck of a time finding jammers that fit me (i am 5"10 and currently at 320 lbs). I bought my last pair from Aquatak, but they are out of stock in my size (48-50 waist). Anyone have any ideas where a big guy like me can find jammers? Swimming is by far the best workout for me, d/t lower back issues, but my current pair is getting pretty long in the tooth. Any help would be appreciated!
  • Have you tried any of the USMS sponsored stores? Swim outlet,kiefer, speedo, TYR? they might have what you are looking for or offer another place to look. Good for you in the weight loss! Keep swimming my friend.