Would this even be possible due to contracts with Greensboro in 2021? :worms:
With the pandemic not going away, would some thought be given to an outdoor Nationals being a possibility?
Your thought on this?
Agreed. Perhaps those that want to remain in their bunker until 2025 can do so (with the help of their virtual swim watches and blow-up dolls, of course) and the rest of us that understand life is risky and never guaranteed, can sign the regular waiver and get on with life.+1 (minus the blow-up dolls :angel:)
All the concepts stated are in flux as the Coved continues to change our lives in ways only perceived in movies. Someone tossed out the concept of no relays as a way to reduce crowding around the blocks. This is done in one of our Illinois meets we attend in Feb. for the last few years, not for Covid but, to get us out before the pool is rented to others at a 1:00 P M time frame.
Being in an airplane spooks me out!! If they opened a window in front & in back then ---- maybe!
The air is probably a lot better in airplanes than you assume. The circulation rate is much higher than in most public buildings, and fresh air is constantly being introduced from outside.
I'd say Greensboro next year is a "no" for me unless infection rates are significantly lower and/or a vaccine is available. Being in an indoor pool with lots of people spooks me a lot more than being in an airplane does.
Next year I turn 75 and am the "new kid on the block" at Greensboro. I am hoping that a vaccine is developed and is wide spread by then so I can try to be in the top Ten there again! Maybe I should look into my own personal oxygen tank & mask for this event.
Next year I turn 75 and am the "new kid on the block" at Greensboro. I am hoping that a vaccine is developed and is wide spread by then so I can try to be in the top Ten there again! Maybe I should look into my own personal oxygen tank & mask for this event.Orca - if the border to Canada opens and we start having meets here, consider popping over to Ontario. As of January 1st, you'll be 75 in "FINA Years" and could log some SCM times.
Cool idea! When do they have meets there? I guess I need to look at Canada meet listing - give me an idea where to start.
I might be in some type of swim shape by then??
Cool idea! When do they have meets there? I guess I need to look at Canada meet listing - give me an idea where to start.
I might be in some type of swim shape by then??Orca,
We don't have any meets scheduled yet, but there are two masters organizations in Ontario:
ms.mastersswimmingontario.ca/.../schedule.php - the best and the most robust meet schedule in the past
www.swimontario.com/page.php - part of Swimming Canada (the equivalent to USA Swimming), they started a Masters organization a few years back. They have fewer meets (and they are less well attended), but the meets they do host are run well. Apparently, they will be launching a new Masters website soon (this one kind of stinks)