The Butterfly Lane

Butterfly, beautiful to watch, difficult to train. We SDK off every wall. We're most likely to smack hands with each other and those beside us. Fly's fun to sprint but no fun when the piano comes down What did you do in practice today? the breastroke lane The Middle Distance Lane The Backstroke Lane The Butterfly Lane The SDK Lane The Taper Lane The Distance Lane The IM Lane The Sprint Free Lane The Pool Deck
  • About the only part where swimmj and I disagree is the last point. It is true that you have more room by yourself...but I often lack the self-discipline to do hard fly sets when training alone. If I announce to my lane-mates or coach that I am doing a set fly, I feel some pressure to complete the task even as the pain comes. When I am by myself, it is too easy to rationalize cutting the set short or decreasing the amount of fly ("my HR sure is pretty high, I think I've already done a lot today, etc"). But others may be less wimpy than I. I agree that having people in your lane helps a lot more on a fly set. It's even better if your lane mates are also having to struggle through the same set. I think all the difficulties in swimming fly sets in a lane full of people (the choppy wake, lapping slower swimmers, banging arms on your outsweep, etc) all make for a "worst case scenario". I just think to myself, at least in the 200 fly I wont have all these damn waves to swim through!
  • About the only part where swimmj and I disagree is the last point. It is true that you have more room by yourself...but I often lack the self-discipline to do hard fly sets when training alone. If I announce to my lane-mates or coach that I am doing a set fly, I feel some pressure to complete the task even as the pain comes. When I am by myself, it is too easy to rationalize cutting the set short or decreasing the amount of fly ("my HR sure is pretty high, I think I've already done a lot today, etc"). But others may be less wimpy than I. I agree that having people in your lane helps a lot more on a fly set. It's even better if your lane mates are also having to struggle through the same set. I think all the difficulties in swimming fly sets in a lane full of people (the choppy wake, lapping slower swimmers, banging arms on your outsweep, etc) all make for a "worst case scenario". I just think to myself, at least in the 200 fly I wont have all these damn waves to swim through!
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