Doug Allen has been the leader for the past 6 yrs, and is leading this yr (2021), in the Go The Distance event. This guy has averaged 14,000-15,000 yds/day, 365 days/yr, for over 6 yrs now. And he is no youngster either, as he is 62 this yr. I just find this much distance over so many yrs astounding. Even if he using fins and paddles the whole time, 14,500 yd/day over 6 yrs is a ton of swimming for an adult. Does anyone out there know him??? If so, can you get him to reply to this question and talk about a bit about how he breaks up his workouts. Does he do all free or mix in the other strokes??? Does he do kick sets??? Does he swim twice a day??? What does his wife/GF/SO think about his spending 5-ish hrs/day, every single day, in the pool??? Or did he/she break it off due to his extreme obsession with swimming??? I mean, people at my pool find it hard to believe that I go 5000 yd/day, 7 days/wk, but Doug makes me look like a rank amateur!!! Anyway, any insights on his training would be appreciated. :)