Second round bonk blues

Okay, so I'm starting to push things a bit to better my chances of hitting the goals listed in that thread (500 free in under 6:00, and 100 fly NQT which is a 1:04 for my age). I'm in a weird spot in that I took up the sport about 3.5 years ago. I'll be 47 in a couple of weeks. So, I'm kind of in between getting faster with more time in the sport, and getting slower as I age. Trying to do as much of the "getting faster" part as possible, and as little of the "getting slower" part :) last week it was the 500 free. Got through most of the sets, which progressed from 50's and 75's to 75's and 100's, and the last workout was 10 100's, twice through. These were workouts posted by SwimDogs back when he was doing the basic workouts. First set I got through using 1:12's as my goal (baseline) pace. Then took a couple of minutes rest between the first and second rounds. Could not hold that pace. Crept to 1:13's, then finished only able to hold 1:14 on the last couple. So here is the weird thing. My heart rate for the first set was creeping up slowly as I got further into the set. Not surprising pretty normal. On the second set, it remained pretty stable......but about 10bpm lower than the average of the first set. Similar thing happened today, working on the 100 fly. Main set was 20 50's, first 10 were 25 easy free, 25 pace fly. Second 10 were the opposite. I added extra rest on those because it was fly, I'm still trying to regain my pre-COVID fly form, and I'm no spring chicken (the set is not stroke specific, and calls for 20 seconds between reps - I went for 30 seconds). I didn't really keep track of my time so much (because the fly leg was only part of it), but thinking more about my ability to do the stroke properly. Anyway, I took an extra minute between the two rounds of 10 (for the same reasons). Similar thing happened. Not exact. First round my heart rate peaked, then came down on each set. Second round started that way, but the peaks were lower and the drop during rest was not as pronounced (so it would drop 10-15bpm, rather than 30). Again, my peaks were about 10bpm lower. And my stroke degraded.....which with fly just means a death spiral, as I'm sure most of you know! So how can I improve on this? First thing I'll say is I don't get enough sleep. Usually between 4-5 hours. So that is I am sure a factor, but with the kids' schedule it is more or less what it is. Outside of that, am I right to think that my issue is more overall strength, and less cardio? So should I be doing some more dryland work? I have implemented some lateral raises with the dumbells to try to improve my recovery on the fly, but that is it so far. Or is it cardio?
  • My most typical fly set is 4X(6X25 on :36), extra minute of rest between each of the 4 groups. Before COVID, I would do that, coming in at :13 for the first few, then settle in at :14 for the bulk of the set, then taper down to :15 for maybe a quarter of it, then the last couple were at :16. But even the one I did yesterday was only 25 at a time (the second half of the 50's were 25 easy free/25 fly@pace). If I'm doing work on 200 fly or 400IM, I do the Yajima Yuya thing.......take a really long glide before initiating my pull, trying to be sure some part of my body remains above the water to stay legal. But I was working on the 100 fly yesterday. I had no access to pools from March until September. Did a lot of open water. My stamina improved, but my strokes lost form. I am still trying to "find" my fly form. Every time I do a fly workout, I catch bits of that easy, relaxed gliding. I also find that if I think about slowing down my tempo, I get more core more involved, and glide higher in the water. Too fast, and it is all arms......which is to say violent and taxing. I am sure my second kick is not doing me favors in lifting my body up to make the recovery portion of the stroke more relaxed. The sleep thing is what it is. Girls practice from 5-7 before school, it is about a half hour away. And in the evenings, the youngest pracitces until 8, then after dinner and cleaning up, I'm lucky to be in bed by 11. During the Summer, things are better, and it was one Summer when I realized I was a lot faster when I was rested, and might actually be able to do an NQT. Was interesting to see the same thing happen to me on both strokes, looking back at the data from my watch. However, today I did the same workout as above, but only with backstroke, and it did not repeat itself. So who knows? Thanks to both of you for the feedback. God willing I'll be able to keep in the pool.
  • My most typical fly set is 4X(6X25 on :36), extra minute of rest between each of the 4 groups. Before COVID, I would do that, coming in at :13 for the first few, then settle in at :14 for the bulk of the set, then taper down to :15 for maybe a quarter of it, then the last couple were at :16. But even the one I did yesterday was only 25 at a time (the second half of the 50's were 25 easy free/25 fly@pace). If I'm doing work on 200 fly or 400IM, I do the Yajima Yuya thing.......take a really long glide before initiating my pull, trying to be sure some part of my body remains above the water to stay legal. But I was working on the 100 fly yesterday. I had no access to pools from March until September. Did a lot of open water. My stamina improved, but my strokes lost form. I am still trying to "find" my fly form. Every time I do a fly workout, I catch bits of that easy, relaxed gliding. I also find that if I think about slowing down my tempo, I get more core more involved, and glide higher in the water. Too fast, and it is all arms......which is to say violent and taxing. I am sure my second kick is not doing me favors in lifting my body up to make the recovery portion of the stroke more relaxed. The sleep thing is what it is. Girls practice from 5-7 before school, it is about a half hour away. And in the evenings, the youngest pracitces until 8, then after dinner and cleaning up, I'm lucky to be in bed by 11. During the Summer, things are better, and it was one Summer when I realized I was a lot faster when I was rested, and might actually be able to do an NQT. Was interesting to see the same thing happen to me on both strokes, looking back at the data from my watch. However, today I did the same workout as above, but only with backstroke, and it did not repeat itself. So who knows? Thanks to both of you for the feedback. God willing I'll be able to keep in the pool.
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