freestyle arm position and catch

Two questions: When maintaining a high elbow at catch, and when I've been dropping my elbow previously, am I right to assume that feeling the muscle opposite the bicep (back of upper arm) working more at catch and pull is a sign the catch position is better? Also, I've seen many references to "reaching over a barrel" in freestyle. Does this describe the arm above the water, under the water, or both? Thanks
  • High elbow is how most of us learned and practice many times with the coach working on it with us BJUT now I seed Olympic & National swimmers "windmilling" with straight arms!!?? What gives them the extra power to do this over us mere mortals?
  • High elbow is how most of us learned and practice many times with the coach working on it with us BJUT now I seed Olympic & National swimmers "windmilling" with straight arms!!?? What gives them the extra power to do this over us mere mortals?
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