What is your typical warmup for a session or a race?
Former Member
I know this is a very newbie question, and there is ample info in swim books/sites about this, but I'd love to hear from REAL SWIMMERS like you, thank you very much.
What works for you?
Lately I've been doing a series of 200m to 25m swims, usually totalling 800m, as a warmup.
Example: 2x200m + 2x100m + 2x50m + 4x25m, starting very easy, ending at "fast" pace.
In the future I hope to incorporate drills into the warmup, but I don't have a clue yet. :)
There was some team at Sectionals that insisted on getting in the packed diving well pool (they were running split men's/women's pools for prelims which meant the diving well was the only warmup/down area) with fins, paddles, and snorkels. That was pretty annoying.
Yeah that one is on the coach. Have to show respect to the rest of the competitors. At my last Sectionals (out at Jenks, OK), I warmed up each morning and afternoon and used all my equipment. Meet director came over and said "hey man, I am cool with you using your equipment right now because no one is really in the pool, but as soon as it gets crowded, can you pack up your gear?" It worked out fine each time because I was either done with the equipment portion of my warm-up or out of the water completely before things even got remotely crowded!
There was some team at Sectionals that insisted on getting in the packed diving well pool (they were running split men's/women's pools for prelims which meant the diving well was the only warmup/down area) with fins, paddles, and snorkels. That was pretty annoying.
Yeah that one is on the coach. Have to show respect to the rest of the competitors. At my last Sectionals (out at Jenks, OK), I warmed up each morning and afternoon and used all my equipment. Meet director came over and said "hey man, I am cool with you using your equipment right now because no one is really in the pool, but as soon as it gets crowded, can you pack up your gear?" It worked out fine each time because I was either done with the equipment portion of my warm-up or out of the water completely before things even got remotely crowded!