Freestyle Missed Wall Question - Rule 101.5.3

Occasionally, I will miss a wall on my flip turn. It's never happened in a meet, but came up during my last meet when an official questioned me post race for barely touching a toe. During a freestyle event, is it within the rules to stop immediately and go back to touch a wall at the end of a length? Or, is the race over and might as well get out? For a short race, I'd just keep going. During a long event, I'd hate to do so, but would stop and go back so as not to risk it, if that's a possibility. Thanks.
  • dw45, For freestyle and backstroke, the swimmer may return to the wall if they failed to touch with some part of the body. Of course, for backstroke, the swimmer must remain on their back during the "return" trip. Due to the rules requiring two hand touches, butterfly and breaststroke are typically not a problem except when a swimmer attempts to touch with two hands and performs a somersault turn. Paul
  • dw45, For freestyle and backstroke, the swimmer may return to the wall if they failed to touch with some part of the body. Of course, for backstroke, the swimmer must remain on their back during the "return" trip. Due to the rules requiring two hand touches, butterfly and breaststroke are typically not a problem except when a swimmer attempts to touch with two hands and performs a somersault turn. Paul
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