Made a big change, would appreciate feedback

Former Member
Former Member
Just for context, I started swimming five years ago and I'm 42 years old. After a lot of floundering I got down to 1:50 per 100, and I do about 3000 meters a workout. I used to just swim it out, now I'm working on intervals and actually trying to push myself in a semi intelligent way. I am haunted by my kicking problems, inasmuch as they're weaker than my arms and I tend to always move from side to side. I came to the conclusion this morning in my workout that breathing on only one side on every second stroke was forcing me to angle out every stroke and compounded my problems with keeping straight and letting my kicking propel me forward as opposed to side to side. I started working this morning on breathing on alternate sides on every third stroke and while I have to re-train my lungs to accept the breathing differently and get comfortable one goggling the non dominant side, I immediately saw a big change in how I was gliding through the water and felt like I was swimming a bit with a pull buoy. I had back surgery two years ago and for 18 months only swam with a buoy which probably made my problems a lot worse because I wasn't working on my core but was getting stronger with my pull, and wasn't addressing my weak kicking problem and facing up to the challenge of breathing on one side was pulling me a bit askance every stroke. Anyways here's the question for you pros. Am I thinking about this problem right? I tried to post the workout I need today. When I was working half through on breathing side to side I felt I had to go a lot slower to accommodate the new breathing technique and get comfortable with turning to the left, as well. Any feedback would be really helpful. I know it's going to take a long time to put the breathing, catch and kicking pieces back together but I really want to get down into the 1:30's per 100 just for me, and I know without some great kicking I will never ever get there.
  • DSG, Your head movement is a huge amount of the issue. I agree with Redbird that you want to"tuck" your chin - looking down will help alot (a similar position to lying on the floor looking up at the ceiling). The cause of your snaking is the way your head moves when you breathe. Your body will go where your head leads it and, because your head moves out of alignment, it causes your hips to move in the opposite direction. This breathing pattern is likely caused by looking forward which makes it hard to breathe which means your turn your head in two planes to "find" air (instead of water). IMO, I would not focus on your arms until your head position and breathing movement change and the snaking is eliminated. I say this because the snaking is causing you to swim very flat and your pulling pattern being outside your shoulders because of your breathing (surprised you don't have shoulder issues). The snorkel will help with head position. Kicking with one arm in the streamline position (and other arm at your side) and learning to breathe by rotating your shoulders/hips (with some additional head rotation) AND keeping your head in contact with your leading arm while breathing will help. This should not be a fast drill, so if you are not a good kicker, fins may be helpful. Paul
  • DSG, Your head movement is a huge amount of the issue. I agree with Redbird that you want to"tuck" your chin - looking down will help alot (a similar position to lying on the floor looking up at the ceiling). The cause of your snaking is the way your head moves when you breathe. Your body will go where your head leads it and, because your head moves out of alignment, it causes your hips to move in the opposite direction. This breathing pattern is likely caused by looking forward which makes it hard to breathe which means your turn your head in two planes to "find" air (instead of water). IMO, I would not focus on your arms until your head position and breathing movement change and the snaking is eliminated. I say this because the snaking is causing you to swim very flat and your pulling pattern being outside your shoulders because of your breathing (surprised you don't have shoulder issues). The snorkel will help with head position. Kicking with one arm in the streamline position (and other arm at your side) and learning to breathe by rotating your shoulders/hips (with some additional head rotation) AND keeping your head in contact with your leading arm while breathing will help. This should not be a fast drill, so if you are not a good kicker, fins may be helpful. Paul
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