Improving my kick on all strokes

Former Member
Former Member
I have always been terrible at kick, and I believe it holds me back, so I want to make some improvements. As an age group swimmer, we would train lots of 50m kick on 60 secs, and I would struggle at that pace, and now I am older and heavier than I was then. Physically I am 6'2" and about 225#, but my feet don't measure up at all at size 8, with a high arch and hammer toes. I don't want to make excuses, but this may be why my feet struggle to catch the water properly. I know this means I'm going to struggle, but I am looking to do the best with what I have. What should I do in training to: Improve feel for the water and effectiveness of kick? Greatly improve kicking endurance? Keep my kick "switched on" when doing full stroke? Are there other factors I should consider?
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