New to open water

Just signed up for my first open water event (5K) and wondering if anyone has tips on what to focus on while training in an indoor pool! I have about 5 months until the race but I'm in Chicago so it will be a while until I can train in the lake. I've heard higher stroke count and more pull sets but would appreciate any other advice of how to best structure my sets until I can get in the lake! 

  • Kay,

    A couple of additions:

    • Doing longer non-stop swims is even better if you can find a 50 meter pool.  Even if you only do it a couple of times each month, eliminating 2 turns for every 100 yards or so will improve the effectiveness of non-stop training.
    • The start of open water races is chaotic.  If you expect to  be one of the faster swimmers, position yourself away from the crowded center - off to the fringes.  Although it means swimming further, not having the elbows, hand, feet, and bodies disrupting your rhythm is an acceptable compromise.  If you are one of the slower swimmers, you can always let the main body go ahead by 20-30 seconds and then get started.  This allows the swimmers to spread out.  The downside to this: is you will inevitably catch people and have to navigate around them.
    • Unlike a pool where you can usually see a long way, your visibility will decrease to only a few feet.  If you can practice in some lakes beforehand, it will help.
    • Be prepared for hypothermia even on sunny days.  Two swim caps helps alot.  And, just in case, bring warm cloths and hot fluids to drink.  I always like hot chocolate for both the warmth and the energy.  Slight smile

    Good Luck.


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