USMS member swims 104+ miles without stopping

Thought I'd just leave this here.... recently published article by former USMS Associate Editor Elaine Howley, about the world-record 104.6 mile swim in Lake Champlain by Colorado Masters swimmer Sarah Thomas. Swim documentation available here:
  • My favorite sentence, recalling last year's 81 mile swim across Lake Powell ..........."But even though she had swum for more than two-and-a-half days, it was clear that Thomas, who gave a victory jump at the finish, still had more gas in the tank."
  • My favorite sentence, recalling last year's 81 mile swim across Lake Powell ..........."But even though she had swum for more than two-and-a-half days, it was clear that Thomas, who gave a victory jump at the finish, still had more gas in the tank."
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