I'm learning how to tread using the egg beater kick. Clockwise on the left and counter clockwise on the right. I'm also buttering bread motion with my hands. I can stay afloat for 5 minutes but I'm bobbing the entire time.
What can I focus on to keep my head afloat?
Thanks guys.
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Bumping the thread to get responses.... thanks
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Is it possible you're tensing up? I've never found it hard to tread water (might be I'm just buoyant, though), and usually find it pretty relaxing. (When the coach has us do vertical kicking w/ hands out of the water, that's a whole other story!) :drowning: Try relaxing as much as possible, let the movements be slow, like you're just hanging out in the water having a chat w/ another swimmer.
Is it possible you're tensing up? I've never found it hard to tread water (might be I'm just buoyant, though), and usually find it pretty relaxing. (When the coach has us do vertical kicking w/ hands out of the water, that's a whole other story!) :drowning: Try relaxing as much as possible, let the movements be slow, like you're just hanging out in the water having a chat w/ another swimmer.
I’m pretty relaxed. I think. I’ll try to focus on that.
With the egg beater bent should your knees be? Like seated position?
Thanks for the input!
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With the egg beater, you're going to bob a bit unless you can get your hands/arms to steady it out a bit. You should try sculling (google it) to learn to use your arms more efficiently. This will help with your treading water and your swimming to boot.