Swim bubble safety marker buoy color recommendations

I plan to do a fair amount of lake swimming during an upcoming vacation. I'll probably do two or three boat accompanied 1500m plus swims as well as regular training swims along fairly well protected shoreline swimming laps between two boat docks. Last year I tried to tried to jerry rig a buoy to increase my visibility using a life jacket. It didn't work - kept kicking it. So this year I'm purchasing a proper buoy such a the New Wave. Does anyone have any experience finding some colors better than others? The pink one is cheapest and I'm fine with the color unless others have found it not bright enough.
  • Last Tues. our Tri club was doing a lake swim. We have a half mile loop of orange buoys and swim 1-4 loops, whatever we're up for. These are triathletes. Generally the swim is their weakest event and some are nervous about being a quarter mile from shore. So one woman goes in with one of those orange swim bubbles and I start a few minutes later. I'm one of those who sights infrequently, and then lift the head just enough to spot an orange dot somewhere ahead. Trouble is, the bubble lady was going WAY off course and I'm sighting off her bubble. When I get close to her, I discover I'm at least 100 yds from the true line. I didn't learn from that because I did it again later.
  • Last Tues. our Tri club was doing a lake swim. We have a half mile loop of orange buoys and swim 1-4 loops, whatever we're up for. These are triathletes. Generally the swim is their weakest event and some are nervous about being a quarter mile from shore. So one woman goes in with one of those orange swim bubbles and I start a few minutes later. I'm one of those who sights infrequently, and then lift the head just enough to spot an orange dot somewhere ahead. Trouble is, the bubble lady was going WAY off course and I'm sighting off her bubble. When I get close to her, I discover I'm at least 100 yds from the true line. I didn't learn from that because I did it again later.
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