Swim across america open water newbie

Hello! I've never swam in the open waters before, but I've had some folks in my masters program who have and love it. I'm thinking of doing a swim across america open water event. But have some questions: Is this considered a race or more of a relaxed charity event where you can go as slow as you want? I tried doing a 2k non-stop in the pool, but my pace was really terrible. I don't have any opportunities to swim in the open water as practice, how will I know whether a wet suit is required? What should I bring for such an event? I've heard that I need to learn how to do a "sighting", and since I breathe on my right, to stay on the left end so I can "look" at people and the direction they are going. Any other tips? My 2 main fears of open water: taking in water while breathing and getting kicked in the face. :afraid:
  • Lots of good advice already. I helped as a "swim angel" last year in Dallas and stayed with some of the folks towards the back of the pack. Just know you'll likely have a lot of kayakers, jet skis and swimmers out there to help if you start to feel like you're struggling. Start out towards the back of the pack and just keep focusing on finishing. Swim about 10 strokes, then peek up to see if you're still swimming towards the next buoy. Keep doing that until you're done. At any time if you're starting to feel stressed or tired, switch strokes. Start doing some *** stroke or roll over on your back for 10 strokes, then get back to it. Just repeat the mantra, "Relentless forward motion." You can do it.
  • Lots of good advice already. I helped as a "swim angel" last year in Dallas and stayed with some of the folks towards the back of the pack. Just know you'll likely have a lot of kayakers, jet skis and swimmers out there to help if you start to feel like you're struggling. Start out towards the back of the pack and just keep focusing on finishing. Swim about 10 strokes, then peek up to see if you're still swimming towards the next buoy. Keep doing that until you're done. At any time if you're starting to feel stressed or tired, switch strokes. Start doing some *** stroke or roll over on your back for 10 strokes, then get back to it. Just repeat the mantra, "Relentless forward motion." You can do it.
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