National Championships

Anybody know (I'm sure someone does) the reason for change in rule on postal swims is your age is calculated of Dec 31 of that year and open water remains the same (age up on birthday)? If the postal and open water national championships were the same rule, my first assumption of reason for change was to make long distance all star easier to calculate. Does one drag his/her open water points to the next age-group?
  • Hmm? I just looked and you are listed as 50-54. This must one of the signs of ageing. Ha! As is misspelling aging I suppose (unless you are undercover British). I swear I was 45-49 yesterday when I looked. Well, if I do not have full on stroke within the next two weeks, I will see you there. Thanks for the reorientation therapy.
  • USMS rule 301.4 Age Determining Date In open water and postal swims, the eligibility of a swimmer shall be determined by the age of the swimmer on December 31 of the year of competition, except for 18-yearolds, who must be 18 on the day that they swim.
  • USMS rule 301.4 Age Determining Date In open water and postal swims, the eligibility of a swimmer shall be determined by the age of the swimmer on December 31 of the year of competition, except for 18-yearolds, who must be 18 on the day that they swim. Hmm? I'm listed 45-49 in Chattanooga (not complaining as 50-54 will definitely be harder). Thanks for clarifying.
  • Hmm? I'm listed 45-49 in Chattanooga (not complaining as 50-54 will definitely be harder). Thanks for clarifying.Hmm? I just looked and you are listed as 50-54. This must one of the signs of ageing.
  • Hi Kurt, The USMS Long Distance Committee was careful to recommend that the age determining date for both open water and postals would be the same. Rob Copeland has already included the text above. You probably were in 45-49 when you checked, but 50-54 now that the LDC has checked the entry for accuracy and the computer folks have used the correct algorithm which changed ages if necessary. Good luck in your new age group! And, going back to January 1st, happy belated birthday! Bob
  • The move early this year has just flatlined my training and I just haven't gotten the momentum up to compete well. Decided to pull from this event this year. The head isn't into it, unfortunately. Luckily, there's a fun little race in JAX in August so I can go visit my bro and compete there. I think by then I'll have it back. Good luck to all of you racing at Nationals!