Water Polo Suit for Open Water

Does anyone know if a women's water polo suit would meet the standards for suits in events that use English Channel rules? I'm tired up yanking up standard suits over my girls while I swim...
  • Does anyone know if a women's water polo suit would meet the standards for suits in events that use English Channel rules? I'm tired up yanking up standard suits over my girls while I swim... I don't have an answer for you but I also wondered whether the high neck on these suits would help against sea lice. I'm really susceptible to sea lice stings and get covered with bites everyplace that is covered by my swimsuit on every open water swim. Even swims when others are unaffected.......so I have girl problems, too :blush:.
  • Here's some discussion on the Marathon Swimmer's Forum, though it may be out of date a bit. At that time it wasn't FINA approved. I can't imagine that changing, but you might want to research the rules. You can get a lot of good OW info on the Marathon Swimmers Forum. marathonswimmers.org/.../p1