OWS Race: Cramp, Cramp, Cramp! What gives?

I swam my first open water swim race 2 weekends ago. Well, the first one in several years. All went well except that I battled calf cramps almost the entire way. I NEVER (at least hardly ever) experience cramping in the pool, but my first cramp in my 5K swim struck at about 100 yards into the race. I was able to manage things and did OK. Though every time I tried to swim faster, cramp! Darn it anyway. As a result, I finished with plenty of energy. 10th overall. http://swimthebridge.com/ truetime.racetecresults.com/results.aspx So what, if anything can be done for next year. Stretch? massage? gatorade? Does this sort of thing happen to anyone else, or am alone?
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