Lake Lure OW Event Canceled

I just heard the Lake Lure OW event in North Carolina has been canceled due to the water being too warm. See: This event was going to be the 1 mile and 5K USMS national championship, so that will be two years in a row the 5K is canceled (Big Shoulders last year due to weather). Seems like a stretch, but I wonder if there's any way the 5K National Championship could be shifted to Big Shoulders instead since those of us who entered last year got shafted?
  • Wow, what a bummer! I too had considered making the trip out there because 5K and 1 mile are two my favorite open water distances. If it hadn't been for Donner being the same day, I might have had plane tickets already. After the major disappointment of traveling to Chicago last year only to have Big Shoulders canceled, I'm glad I dodged the bullet this year. I feel sorry for those who have already made travel plans and now have to adjust. Major bummer! And agreed, Kirk, I can't imagine trying to swim a distance event in 90 degree water! Ouch! I get hot in 82 degree water when working out!!!
  • Almost planned the family summer vacation around this. Glad I didn't. Open water races at the US Masters Games were also canceled due to high water temps.
  • I can't even imagine swimming a race in 90 degree water. Yuck!
  • The next USMS 5-km Open Water National Championships are scheduled at Elk Lake, Oregon, on Sunday, July 30, 2017, as a part of the annual five-swims-in-three-days Cascade Lakes Swim Series & Festival at Elk Lake (7/28-30/2017). This is driving distance for both Kirk & Matt, and plenty of advance planning time. A Mount St. Helens incident aside, I can guarantee you that we won't have water temperatures above 85 degrees F., but more like the splendid 68-69 degrees that we had this year. I look forward to seeing you both there, hopefully along with many other OW aficionados. Put his on your calendar. Incidentally, the USMS Two-mile Cable National Championships will also be in Oregon next year at Foster Lake on Saturday, June 24, 2017. No danger of hot water here either. Your calendar should be getting full by now! Matt, don't forget to sign up for this one! :-) Kirk, you too!
  • I almost pulled trigger on this for family reunion for 7 siblings. I actually wondered if NC lake in August was going to be too hot and ended up entering Indianapolis Cable Swim for my open water this year. I would say in future, we should keep these in northern part of the country or in May and early June. I wouldn't think Lake Lure (although never being there) would ever be less than 85 in late summer. Bob, I will definitely make on of the Oregon swims next year.
  • I look forward to seeing you both there, hopefully along with many other OW aficionados. Put his on your calendar. If I decide not to go to Budapest for Worlds next year I will definitely try to get down to Oregon for this. The Cascade Lakes Series has been on my want-to-do list for a long time and somehow I haven't made it there yet!
  • I'll definitely be at both of those swims!!! Matt, don't forget to sign up for this one! :-) Kirk, you too! Ugh! Don't remind me about that Bob. I still haven't fully gotten over my mistake yet!
  • If I decide not to go to Budapest for Worlds next year I will definitely try to get down to Oregon for this. The Cascade Lakes Series has been on my want-to-do list for a long time and somehow I haven't made it there yet! Oh yeah, I had been considering going to Budapest too. But given the conflicts it would cause with open water season in Oregon and due to the fact that isn't a good time to leave our flytraps, we might skip that trip. Considering World Masters Games in Auckland, NZ in April instead. But if we went there, I'd miss spring nationals in Riverside. Hmm...decisions, decisions!