Did my first ever OWS this evening. Very enjoyable. I've swum in pools all my life, but never went more than a few yards in a lake. So I joined a local Tri club and went to their Tuesday night practice, a 1/2 mile loop around a small, quiet lake. There are no motor boats allowed. I'd say it's a little bit tougher than pool swimming.
It was different. I'm not accustomed to a hundred other arms and legs flailing around me, and I probably went a tad faster than I should have. I may have gotten just a bit carried away with the mass start. In the beginning, it was very muddy and weedy but once away from shore it was OK. There was only a tiny chop from wind, but more from other swimmers, and I had to keep looking forward to stay in line with the buoys. After a couple hundred yards though, I was pretty much alone and on cruise control.
Triathletes love wetsuits. Actually, they seem to like equipment in general. Something about them shaving 30 seconds off their mile time (the swim is 400 yards and it takes 5 minutes to peel the thing off!). I don't like wetsuits, but I find it necessary for me if water is much below 70 and the swim is long. I have been at swims where I was one of a few in a wetsuit and triathlons where I have been one of a few not in a wetsuit. Go figure. I am glad you are enjoying open water swimming. It's the best. Drunk boaters are the worst...
Triathletes love wetsuits. Actually, they seem to like equipment in general. Something about them shaving 30 seconds off their mile time (the swim is 400 yards and it takes 5 minutes to peel the thing off!). I don't like wetsuits, but I find it necessary for me if water is much below 70 and the swim is long. I have been at swims where I was one of a few in a wetsuit and triathlons where I have been one of a few not in a wetsuit. Go figure. I am glad you are enjoying open water swimming. It's the best. Drunk boaters are the worst...