So is that report about a great white devouring a seal by Alcatraz for real? I heard, years ago, that they don't come into the bay. Now all the people who never believed me when I told them that are going to think they're right. Some speculation is that El Niño is driving them in...I have done that swim a number of times, and the shark issue was always one less thing to worry about. I still swim in the Aquatic Park, but I doubt they would come there. On the other hand, I never expected any to be near Alcatraz either. Apparently, someone recorded it. I will hunt for it on youtube.
Ditto. The biologist they interviewed said they don't like humans and prefer seals. She said humans are pretty safe are as long as there are enough seals around. Very comforting!...But, what if they can't tell the difference. I have had more than one seal seem waaay to interested in me like I was new action are something.
Wow! Amazing video/ This will give a lot more street cred to my Alcatraz Sharkfest Swims! I may have to re-evaluate doing any more!
Before I did those swims I heard that the sharks generally do not come in the bay because of the brackish water (salt water/ Fresh water mix) but the are usually present outside the bay in the ocean. Since there are seals outside the bay the sharks don't usually come in the bay.