Seeking escort boat for Boston Light relay team

Hello Boston area swimmers! My relay team is seeking an escort boat for the Boston Light Swim. I was so grateful to Lyn for helping me find a kayak escort for the Great South Bay Swim (NY) a month earlier, so I'm hopeful this request will be met with similar success. :) I also posted on the Marathon Swimmers Forum "!Crew and Observer Requests" thread. So trying to cover different bases We're a team of four swimmers, in case that affects what size boat we would need (this is my first relay swim and first time having to get a motorized boat instead of a kayak). If you or someone you know can possibly hook us up with a pilot, we'll all be grateful--and willing to pay a fair price. If you're able to help, can you please PM me? We can then take the rest of the conversation to email. Thanks and good swimming to all!